Sunday, January 30, 2011

Getting Rid Of Buttocks Cleavage

3 Common to the great, but ... hangs a conspiracy!

Today I ran the three municipalities. And 'one of the races of the view that Lazio and I feel more honored to great .... no coincidence that it was my 16th time.
After 94km the last week I downloaded it seriously, only 38km from Monday to Friday and Saturday ... absolute rest in that of Roccaraso, where I have not even skied a little bit annoyed a lot of my daughter.
So it was that today, despite the 32km on Sunday were still in my legs, I presented myself at the start in good condition.
The weather was forgiving: a few drops of rain up to a minute before the start, but dry race with no wind, with 6-7 at the start and almost 10 degrees upon arrival.
The most optimistic forecast I thought to close in 95 minutes and many seconds ... instead of using the fact that they cut the last 150-180 meters I managed to stop the clock in 94.27 (4.15 to KM).
you for the distance ( oggi 22.2km ), vuoi per la durezza del percorso, questa gara, pur perfettamente organizzata, è palesemente 6.30 minuti + lenta della Roma-Ostia per un atleta del mio livello, circa 5 minuti per un top runner e anche 10 per i "veicoli" più lenti.
Indubbiamente ho fornito una prestazione al mio meglio, da notare poi che, anche se con altimetrie diverse, son passato ai 10km in 41.45 esattamente come ad Amsterdam ad ottobre. Devo spendere un grazie particolare a Renzo, uno dei 30 Astratti presenti, che mi aiutato esortandomi dal settimo km fino all'ultimo metro.
Vox populi direbbe: "...Ma allora di che ti lamenti ?? Il complotto dov'è ??"
La I come short and to the point: from leaflet should reward only the top 25 category ( thing for me is not easy with 2250 starters ) ... well, but arrived 26th ... I was awarded the same ( have broadened to 30?? ) and is ... that I brought home 1kg of coffee!
Force, who said around that I have high blood pressure? ... And has added some premium meanly act to undermine the health of this magical Blade Runner?
expect answers, meanwhile I salute you .... telling that after the shower, I cooked 150 grams of carbonara and I have suffered and enjoyed watching the miracle of Inter against Palermo .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Best Bang For Your Buck Receiver Hdmi

Week exhaust!?! Will there ever be?!?

Yesterday I measured the pressure, unfortunately, ultimately is not the first time that the minimum is a little high (90 ).
Yet certainly do plenty of exercise, I have a tendency to too much salt foods, and even if they are not a health I would say that my lifestyle is regular (+ of what the premier ... ecchellopossinoammazzallo ) .
stress, however, works the hips, often to find time to run an hour I have to run another 10, then the chocolate never fails, ditto the wine and of course the chromosomes (two parents, both historically hypertensive ).
What to do? Boh?
week (this ) exhaust help? I believe little, especially if it's already packed with commitments outside running.
Okay, stop "mental blowjobs," as I sense from the picture at 4:15 I was in a bit of gas, then the form is there.
Next Sunday at 3 municipalities, without providing an exasperated look, I hope to do well ... and polenta tonight ... (I swear it's true )!
Bye guys, do the best and always add a mile to the next training session .

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Best Brow Wax Jacksonville, Fl

Well, this time I'm really a little tired ... Miguel

Provare a preparare Maratona( Roma ) e Mezza( Roma-Ostia ) contemporaneamente è impresa durissima.
Ci sto veramente stretto... peggio che in foto.
Ho chiuso la settimana con 94km all'attivo, che sommati agli 81 km della scorsa settimana e ai 90 km di 2 settimane or sono... mi hanno semi-distrutto.
Alterno momenti di grande euforia, perchè ho sensazioni di presunta-onnipotenza a momenti in cui un misto di nausea e stanchezza mi pervadono.
Oggi mi toccava il lungus interruptus inoltre, speravo di farlo in compagnia.... invece, in primis... si erano offerti il mio compagno di squadra Fausto e i Bloggers Karim and Master ... then (I know 'boys) and ... earlier, some later, in the last 18 hours everyone has given up.
chatterbox: "You chatterbox."
This morning I came home a little before 9:00 (even with the bib pinned) and in 57 minutes I took a tour that stretched through nearly 12km (to 4.48) led me to the starting line at the stadium dell'Acquacetosa.
Rome deserted, snow-capped mountains in the distance from the Gianicolo, 5 degrees, no wind, gray sky and moisture.
At the crime scene, as expected, the delirium: 4800 registered competitors of 10,180 meters, 1500 at 3 km and non-competitive race open to cyclists also committed themselves su due distanze.
Mi chiedo se ha senso costruire mega happening che alla fine con la corsa centrano decisamente poco ??
Arrivo veramente all'ultimo, ma essendo in prima onda riesco a partire facilmente.
Tutti vanno a cannone, io invece passo al primo in 4.30 e il demone ancora non mi ha preso... poi al mio fianco trovo un amico, partito peggio di me, che spera di passare ai 10km in 42.30 ...immediatamente mi metto a disposizione e puntuale lo traghetto al traguardo nel tempo stabilito... senza particolari affanni.
Unica nota stonata è che con il K-way, aumentando il ritmo, ero troppo coperto e così al terzo km l'ho tolto litigando non poco per riuscire a legarmelo in vita.
Qualche saluto, un thè and here ... I still return to solo, this time for the short 9.7km away. At 11.30 am are at St. Peter's Square for the blessing in advance, but perfectly in time to face the salitone that brings me back to Monteverde (and here I struggle )..., so as to be in the shower well before 1200 and after a Skip to the grocery store on the couch to sit down on time 12.30 for the home fixture.
I said, I'm tired ... I'm not talking football ... well, next week I will seriously download the tender of 01.30.2011 ( The legendary Common 3) must be addressed with all 'Another look.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ewcm Prior To Menstruation

Sunday: Race ... lungus interruptus or better!

The definition of happy
lungus interruptus is Blogger Karim that exactly two years ago at Miguel accepted my invitation from Monteverde, about 10km reach all'Acquacetosa, do the race (10km ) and return.
Last year I felt very slow, the reference was to the Paris Marathon, to be run in April, so I preferred to go to Miguel to see if I can run 10km 4.
the paths 10,180 meters in 40.43 that does just 40 (or 39.59) helped by perfect weather (sun , 5 degrees and no wind ). Today, Marathon reference è Roma, sono abbastanza sicuro che riuscirei a correre sotto a 40( mi stimo a 39.45 ) beneficiando delle stesse condizioni meteo ...quindi tornerò alla soluzione della gara inserita nel lungo.
Va detto, per chi non vive a Roma, che questa soluzione ha molti vantaggi.
Puoi uscire da casa molto più tardi, anche alle 9.00, non fatichi per parcheggiare sul luogo del delitto visto che all'Acquacetosa ci saranno oltre 4800 possibili colpevoli e soprattutto, 50 minuti dopo l'arrivo, sei già in doccia, mentre gli ultimi ritardatari sono appena arrivati e l'incastro sheet is about to begin.
foot instead, to three km on the way back, will enjoy the traffic jam for the arrival of the runner 7 miles, then go into cycle and up to St. Peter will be okay .... Among others, we will arrive well before the hearing papal ( thing in the car I could not ) blessing ... steering wheel, and I'll be home salitona .

in what I will do the race?? Boh me too I wonder??

3 Options:
  1. A gun ( 40), although tired of the first 10km labor, and conscious that crazy back in
  2. the RG of the Roma-Ostia ( 42) or just below
  3. A little '+ RG faster marathon (45 )

... we'll find out only by living. You would do that??

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Clip Art Mr. Men Characters

Life is a seesaw of emotions ... corriamogli meeting!

Every day seems a nebula in succession to the other routines, especially in winter, yet just keep antennae and legs reactive to capture small details and news (not necessarily positive ) at the end of the fair are the spice of life.
  1. At the end of November, Milan had already virtually won the league title, Inter had crumbled, Lazio a flash in the pan, the other teams a little thing ... useless to spend time and passion ... But ... sometimes samples back ...
  2. the psychodwarf save your ass paying for some "noble" deputy to the left or right and to give us another run for another 2 ½ years of decay ... useless to pretend that ... But ... those cheeks are back in the grill because of his money are over ... well ... under the skirt wrong ...
  3. Marchionne then ... puts the gun to his temple workers presenting to a contract can not pass even the workers' statute ... it is certain that the logic of a world take it or leave it in the barrel of the gas leads to a plebiscite ... beatification other hand, while temporarily saving ass, opens with a scenario that sees him one step away from the brink, the company and employees.
  4. become a player in my last book I read Follet (The fall of giants ) starting and ending with great enthusiasm a little disappointed, then I faced the last Faletti ( The seller of women ), convinced of wasting my time ed invece l'ho trovato geniale... passan pochi giorni e l'alchimia si ripete: comincio Umberto Eco( Il cimitero di Praga ), ricco di speranze e ... lo lascio a metà svuotato di energie; per disperazione cambio stile e genere e mi dedico ad una saggio di Federico Rampini( Occidente estremo ) sulle differenze tra il modello americano e quello cinese con la convinzione di addormentarmici sopra ...invece è affascinante e scopro con gioia che una pagina tira l'altra.
  5. Ovviamente chiudo con la corsa... dopo 2 mesi di pioggia a dirotto e la fregatura di Pisa ero certo che avrei perso un pò di entusiasmo ...invece, qualche giorno di ferie e questi primi 17 giorni dell'anno ricchi di sole I have mild temperatures and put the dynamite in his legs on Saturday, although full of miles, I did 4 * 2000 at 7:50 glad I've got and not placed on another 1000 at 3:47 and yesterday I went to God for nothing tired.
Hoping for you that this is a particularly prolific " ognicazzatapossibile " I wish you good races and beat well ... if we're a hit.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Curry And Heart Palpitations

The crazy idea of \u200b\u200bdoing 4 marathons in 2011 takes shape.

Do you think that you think back ... I gave birth to a mouse ... or maybe this time would be right to say: Topolone.
Only four marathons back in 2004 prices, anzi allora ne provai addirittura a fare 5 ma ad una mi fermai a metà strada.
Era l'anno del Passatore, che preparai prima correndo a marzo la Maratona di Roma, con partenza e arrivo da casa più riscaldamento pre gara( 55 km ), poi ad aprile venne Padova affrontata carico di km, ma deciso a guardare anche il cronometro( 3h e 14 ), quindi a maggio il lungo viaggio di 100km attraversando l'appennino e ad agosto, solo per gioco e senza alcuna preparazione specifica, corsi una Maratona in Canada a Quebec City. Come forse qualcuno sa provai anche, la settimana dopo il Passatore, ad affrontare la distanza regina in quel di Stoccolma, ma fu un atto di presunzione da non ripetere mai più.
Those races and the type of training that I underwent in that year made me lose 10-15 seconds per km as the value of aerobic threshold, many of whom never returned.
It is true that in this age did not help, but it is also true that every time I add broth workout doing more miles and less quality will inevitably slow down the machine ... and how could it be otherwise?
This is why, since then, I've always decided not to overdo the marathons and alternatives to long periods of muscle reconstruction .... until ...
... Until, prima salta Parigi per uno stato influenzale terribile e poi salta Pisa per qualche fiocco di neve e un'organizzazione non all'altezza.
E' così che, tornando a bomba ...pensa che ti ripensa lampadina s'è accesa così...

  1. A Marzo la Maratona di Roma, con Pigreco come obiettivo primario e Under 200 come minimo sindacale... ( io accordi truffa a Mirafiori non ne firmo !!! ). Maratona che sarà poi preceduta e seguita da un grande Blogpoint ne sono certo.
  2. A giugno la grande arrampicata of 42km from Monza to Resegone, with Giancarlo ( not me) and to compose the Cat backhoe ready to defy the whole world ( hope to find the chest ).
  3. In November, then you go to Athens with the Astra and many on the road throughout history, legend, 2501 years ago led Pheidippides from Marathon to get as far as dying Baldini collected Olympic gold in 2004. The idea would be to do it but without anxiety, with serenity, not becoming a victim of long anticipated in the heat of August and September ... as an evocative journey was just a missing pearl necklace to be set in the Running of my career and why not a long-quality for ..
  4. Pisa in December to run in the bottom ... have already entered office, I have a score to settle and I am certain that at least someone else you will be joining the expedition.
Now, however, do not leave me alone, tell me yours, you see how this project or even just on the other hand what goes through your head and your legs .

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Henri Cartier-bresson Minilux

certain in life at least one good thing I did it! My first shoe

The year 2011 started well. There are many things to be happy.
  1. I did the race of the Epiphany by Peace-Maker ad Angelo per farlo chiudere in 42.30( 4.15 ) e dopo un passaggio ai 5km in 21.13 abbiamo fallito nel finale per soli 4 secondi a causa del troppo fango all'interno del Parco degli acquedotti.
  2. In questa settimana da lunedì a domenica ho corso oltre 90km e ho già smaltito un KG dei 2,5 che avevo accumulato.
  3. Ieri, a sole 48 ore dalla Befana, ho corso il primo lungo dell'anno e il GPS mi ha detto che in 2h 01 e 48 secondi ho calpestato la strada per 26km e 20 metri a 4.41 di media finendo in progressione e per nulla massacrato.
  4. Ho aggiornato la Navbar in alto dello storico degli allenamenti aggiungendo i dati del 2010.
Well, forget the banality and returning to the title and the photo ... I must give my wishes to my "little" FAITH who is now 15 years old. It seems only yesterday that, with fear, picked up in its first minutes of life here and now she is always ready to justify my every day .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fungal Infection Lips

Trail. It will be OK for the Monza-Resegone? RB

Scarpa Salomon XA Pro 3D Ultra GORE-TEX
Was it the green acid, has been the stunning backdrop of holiday ... The fact is that in the end I could not resist.
Certainly not at the modest price of 95 € ( 30% - compared to 135 of the list ) I added to my "collection" these babies were born to race on dirt.
Given that in this particular segment of my knowledge is almost non-existent, I am very curious to know who is a professor in the matter if I made a good purchase or if you end up that I'll only use a middle-class (perhaps under a jeans).
course, the dream is to get there ( between 6 months) on top of Resegone happy ... and winning.
For now I can only say I'm a glove ... but you ... shoot well outspoken.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Appeal Letters For Dental Claims

Grasso and relaxed back to work ... and the race! Trivially

holiday ended.
After two months in which Rome did not rain that I had to go in Südtirol (Sterzing ) to find 7 days of sunshine ... even if the thermometer has always been in negative territory ranging from -12 to -1.
holiday: friends, good food, contact with nature and a bit 'of tourism.
For four days I skied (downhill ): two in Racines, one at Sterzing and the Plan de Corones, enjoying my daughter finally (after 10 years yarns) stopped taking lessons. One day I went a fare fondo nella meravigliosa Val Ridhanna( Zorro mi ha massacrato ) e una mattina alle 11 mi sono sparato 17km di corsa a -3.
Annoto sul diario anche un bel giro a Brunico e uno a Innsbruck( foto ).
Il rovescio della medaglia mi dice però che, malgrado la corsa serale di ieri( 14km ) in una Roma deserta e umida oggi il mio peso è di 64,5 KG quindi 2,5 in più che a Pisa.
Vi prego ditemi che anche voi un po' avete mollato le redini a tavola.
Sono comunque ben motivato a porre subito rimedio morigerandomi a tavola e macinando km.
Nel prossimo post vi farò vedere le shoes that I got and that, among others, will accompany me for another 3000km ( hopefully) in 2011.
I can only anticipate that to me is a real novelty ...
... that the race is with you ...