Saturday, March 12, 2011
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Rome, March 12, 2011 - "I join with pride at the Constitution Day, because I continue to believe that the Italian Constitution is sacred and deserve much more respect from the government, politics and the country." This was declared by Aldo Di Biagio, MP Fli in a statement. "In Italy there is no place of parties and ideological opposition - he continues - but one that believes in the rule of law, against all forms of gag and debasement of democratic freedoms." "Shallow people believe to exploit this event - he concludes - framing it as a communist. In the square there will be hundreds of associations, movements, parties and free thinkers without labels and flags of the party. Signal that respect for constitutional dignity belongs to all free men. "
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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"The dramatic news of this hour sull'escalation of violence that is flowing against the minority Christian Copts in Egypt keeps us all in suspense and creates no small concern." This was declared by Aldo Di Biagio, MP FLI. "It 's a moment that requires urgent and immediate action and a clear and decisive stance of the entire international community. I hope that the European Union, which recognized the right and the protection of minorities among its basic elements, if they do portavoce e protagonista attiva, assumendo quel fondamentale ruolo di mediatrice – conclude - perché il percorso di crescita democratica del popolo egiziano non sia soltanto un’ illusione, costruita sul sangue di innocenti”.
Ufficio Stampa
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Roma, 9 marzo 2011 – “In queste ore è una guerra di dati. Da un lato il governo elabora previsioni infondate su quella che sarà la produttività di energia alternativa del Paese nel 2011 dall’altro le associazioni di categoria e gli istituti di ricerca le smentiscono in maniera categorica lasciando emergere una progettualità non tanto chiara in capo all’esecutivo”. Lo dichiara Aldo Di Biagio, capogruppo Fli in the Environment Committee, on the sidelines of question time on future incentives for renewable energy that has seen the involvement of the Minister Prestigiacomo.
"There's a lot of confusion, contradictory data and a considerable dose of populism-read - especially when it is stressed that the incentives are a burden on household bills, but amounted to just 60 cents." "It is clear that behind the marketing campaign which relies on the morality of the operators, the generosity of the incentives and excessive speculation - highlights - will satisfy both the potentates of the usual suspects, ranging from oil to nuclear power."
"The new incentives will have a roof maximum set-concluded annual level - with the consequence of plaster, the promotion system and especially to exclude any form of programming, from companies and investors. A funeral for small and medium-sized enterprises, a triumph for the usual lobby, in total disregard of the Minister of Rome. "
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tweety Bird , Plays You Are My Sunshine

I'm tired, stancherrimo fact, the influence of light passed me off, but by Thursday evening (last ) I patiently stuck around for seven consecutive workouts / almost 100km .. . then, speaking of miles, I do not remain low here that seventy to Sunday 20. Time to relax and unwind there. The gorge is miraculously under control. The barometer of the mood turns to beauty.
I will also organize various Blogpoint, but for those I refer you to the site of Blogtrotters, where traffic .... because there is an overlap of post ... buttateci an eye. I close
telling that the number of chest still do not know, but at least I have already decided how I will dress in the race ... and know that the mantle is not a hindrance.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Rome, March 8, 2011 - "It 'was finally published in the decree implementing the Defence Services Spa, sin is missing the names of the members of the board and the supervisory board, although the law provides for the advertising. " This was declared by Aldo Di Biagio, MP Fli and proponent of a question to the Minister on La Russa inconsistencies in regulations on the new Spa "Despite the silence of the decree - said Di Biagio - the press have circulated some names of the members of the Board, all - watch a po'-members of the military, business and economic Milan." "In addition, the fact that the Spa is a true outsourcing of PA - highlights - to bring together business and also unrelated to this transaction and placement in the case of a company under private law with all the consequences in terms of control and monitoring especially public accounting, and in terms of discretion and autonomy in the procedural purchasing and appointment, of course devoid from the controls in Parliament on the legality and the congruence of these. " "So I ask the Minister - he concludes - if you do not believe having to justify this discrepancy and procedural law, by the immediate disclosure of names of members of the governing bodies, and the procedure for selection and choice of these names and if she believes that this mutation private persons can alter in a conspicuous and destructive aspect of the Ministry that will affect the 'impartiality, the health of our business, transparency and efficiency. "
Mr Aldo Di Biagio
Tel 06 67605755 Fax 06 67605030
Monday, March 7, 2011
% Chance Of Emphysema
Dear friends, on weekends I have been working to free another drawing, found at the site of Terrye French.
... I really like this a lot ...
E 'tender ... and even if it is Christmas .. I esporrei throughout the year as a centerpiece or picture to hang!
The ginger is too sympathetic on the horse!
inspires me so much sweetness and makes me think of beautiful wooden toys than once!
Tomorrow is Women's Day so I leave you my most heartfelt wishes .... my way ...
; Noi donne
abbiamo una MARCIA IN PIU'........

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Rome, 7 March 2011 - will be discussed in the next few days in the classroom of Deputies a question time by Aldo Di Biagio Fli group to the Minister Sacconi to know "what is the orientation of public bodies address the current guidelines legal and economic abstention from work for employees March 17, 2011, national holiday, and if you do not wish to take urgent action to avoid conflicting situations and pianodei discriminating on the inviolable rights established by the Workers' Statute and the National Collective Agreements. " "Given that - the statement - have been given news of widespread uncertainty in Public Administration, Municipal particularly on the economic system to be applied to employees with regard to abstain from work on March 17 pv proclaimed National Day with a decree of 5 February 22, 2011. " "In fact - he continues - art. 1 paragraph 1 of the decree, only 2011 declared March 17 "public holiday in accordance with Article 2:04 of the Law May 27, 1949, No 260 "and paragraph 2 of art. 1 of the Decree provides that no new or increased burdens on public finance and private companies arising from the establishment of a national holiday. " "The town of Turin, which has also added the town of Pavia, - more - seems geared to configure the March 17 as a day of leave required for civil servants of the territory, rather than as a public holiday also in contravention of a basic right of workers to see a recognized national holiday, "" All this - said Di Biagio - shows a lack of clarity in the head led to the legislation, apparently contradictory, leaving out resulting in a state of great uncertainty, in general, in terms of rights of all public and private employees to see their right to life recognized national holidays. "
Mr Aldo Di Biagio
Tel 06 67605755 Fax 06 67605030
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Rome, March 7, 2011 - "Interesting Larusso to bring the project to the memory of Milan who was right, with characters and ideas vintage men overcome. A former colonel attempting to gain credit or any voter a nice performance carnival? I would opt for the second. " This was declared by Aldo Di Biagio, MP Fli in a statement. "While maintaining the balance of personal respect towards a great politician as Almirante - continues - I think almost a mockery of the commemoration Larussiana, because within the PDL that remains a distant memory of the right and down, overwhelmed by the folklore Berlusconi and the superficiality of ideas. " "With this sad knowledge that is born FLI - concluded - But with the ambition to recreate the basics of starting a new center-right Italian and European at the same time. And if the PDL still believes that the right wing populism is folklore and we are even more pleased to have abandoned the concept. "
Mr Aldo Di Biagio
Tel 06 67605755 Fax 06 67605030
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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are about 16.00 and driving the car with family in tow, I take Pontina south, a few km I left behind the bustle of the city. The road is wet, the limit reads 90, that is about my speed, when suddenly at the end I see a rising curve in a car carports at the right side of the road that is over against a tree. The two cars in front of me and I have stopped immediately after them. My wife called 113, the incident has happened for 15 seconds, the driver of the first car fermatasi, excitedly, "I said" that he was right behind that big Jeep that, incredibly, has not left the road curved and reversing and slamming into the tree. As I speak quickly overcome the gap and try to figure out who's inside the car crashed. Confusion, screaming, moaning, we can not open the doors, from inside ... finally able to open a rear window In this new dimension of time is in fact from the roof. I look inside and there is a family (Romanian ): father, mother, son ( 10Y) and daughter ( 5Y) . All miraculously alive, but terrified, crying and stained with blood. I leaned out to grab the girl who is put up leaning on the window opposite. The grip is uncomfortable, but she's a feather and pull it out. Just enough time to calm around me and in the meantime there are at least 20 other people with cars fermatesi soon can undermine the self and bring out the unfortunate. Everything seems OK, but as usual, past the adrenaline effect, the trouble starts. Mother and small are painful. The lady probably has at least some broken rib and has a small gash on his head and continues to complain. Incredibly, in an intolerant country, where everything is little and badly, I noticed a big monster spirit of solidarity and efficiency in rescue operations. Within 15 minutes two ambulances arrived, the fire department, city police and a helicopter to the emergency, blocking the road, landed right in front of my car and just 5 minutes later, bringing with it the trickle away child. Obviously I do not know anything about the health of 4.
Return to us.
Influenza is not split, Blade held up ... for now ... but the sore throat is still there and bothering me ( and already I'd say I went luxury ).
Many councils register: aerosol, honey, chili, hot drinks, pills, etc etc ... I've studied them all, but no one suggested to me the shock therapy to run 57 km
The title?? The photo??
Simple 2h
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Rome, March 4, 2011 - "The headlights are always aimed at Fli: what will you do? what are the next steps? that will submit proposals? Attention a bit 'too high by the Premier and their associates for a project, confusing reality and desires, would in trouble. " The Aldo Di Biagio said in a statement. "Maybe the problem is another - he explains - the threat is very clear Fli Berlusconi's entourage to the former An especially among which is the same Minister La Russa, because the consensus and public trust can not be fake like the polls side. " "But if it is true that the truth will find out the actual weight of the parties in the elections - as suggested by La Russa - then I wonder who will take the vows to the minister, who will be his potential voters? We are curious."
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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Rome, March 3, 2011 - "Yes, the roof of 8000 MW has been removed, but to postpone the issue and the problem to future ministerial decrees?". This was declared by Aldo Di Biagio, Fli parent in the Environment Committee. "I hope that the Government did not wish to remove the reference to the maximum threshold incentive photovoltaic cooling-only - comments - because the turnabout would seem purely formal, not substantive." "I understand the needs and resources dispel speculation contain - he said - but from here to frame a possible limit to the incentives as an instrument of morality, it seems paradoxical frankly against the workers. Protect the photovoltaic sector to ensure further development together with an awareness of public duty is a duty of the Government European countries and this can give us great lessons, if we catch them not doing badly. " Di Biagio concludes: "Over the next few days the Government will be asked to give feedback to my question on the subject, the hope is to give us clear and far-sighted perspective."
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Rome, March 3, 2011 - "It can not pass unnoticed slippage of clutch welcomed by green pockets leaguers from supporters last minute one second after the adoption of federalism. They call them available .. ops managers, sorry. " And 'when he says Aldo Di Biagio, in the pages of Generation Italy.
"You will be astonished - more - before the whirlwind of sexual jokes uttered by a Head of Government delighted with the result that chamber for a few weeks will silence the Northern League member." "He understands what has reduced the dignity of the Italian parliamentary, alas, a couple of decades more and a bit 'latent, when you come across - between the benches greenish - available in Scilipoti, until a few months ago mastiff DiPietro Northern League's flag-waver, and now trust. " "It seems clear - continues Di Biagio - who takes over in the parliamentary" haggled "a sort of satisfaction, deep pleasure in feeling servant and continue to be cited as such. And after the presentation by Fli of the bill for the 'establishment of a Commission of Inquiry on shopping parliamentarians, this anomaly human more than the policy and institutional framework, it seems almost a mockery. "
"Certification - said - that the sale is part of this system and who is the subject not be shaken, so strong is the security given by promises, by offering and prospects of the most powerful - the media and financially - of the country. Who cares if the civil society - surveys in hand - is disgusted and disillusioned by the various gate and ruby \u200b\u200bbunga bunga, what remains the dignity of a parliamentary majority group (old and new co-option) vanishes before the big boss and the exaltation of his erotic exploits in front of cameras and journalists from Italy half. " Di Biagio concludes: "Not much to comment on: the feast of Bossi has turned the funeral for the dignity of parliament."
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to know, given that:
from 1 January 2004, under a renewed interpretation of the 1984 bilateral treaty between Italy and the United States in the field in on double taxation, so come modificato dal Trattato bilaterale del 25.08.1999, tutto il personale con contratto disciplinato dalla legge italiana e di nazionalità italiana in servizio negli Stati Uniti d’America non e’ più assoggettato al fisco italiano ma a quello statunitense e, pertanto, su una base imponibile equivalente al 100% della retribuzione;
con Decreto Interministeriale del 1 agosto 2003, il Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, di concerto con il Ministro degli Affari Esteri e il Ministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze, aveva determinato che le contribuzioni previdenziali INPS in favore del personale di nazionalità italiana assunto a contratto a legge italiana presso le sedi estere, dovevano essere calcolate wages, and then conventional equivalent to about one third of the salary;
the contrary, the contract staff is not falling in the aforementioned case, in service in the U.S. contributes to the welfare system of that country (the so-called Social Security System) on a tax equivalent to 100% of salary;
the staff concerned, resides and works in the United States for many years and continues to reside beyond retirement age and receive a pension allowance totally inadequate and insufficient to ensure even the minimum subsistence - in a country like the U.S. does not offer a national health service and benefits similar to Italy - And not commensurate with the salary;
what actions it intends to provide in order to overcome the above-mentioned serious inequality and allow personnel to contribute to the Italian pension system, in order to obtain an adequate pension or retirement on a tax base equivalent to the entire salary.
Di Biagio
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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As always I have no fever, in "the last" 20 years only a few rare type detection with perhaps a peak at 37.2 to 37.8 an hour, but otherwise nothing ... I just feel absolutely destroyed. On Monday evening, I had run a good cool-down of a dozen miles, I rested Tuesday as expected, and yesterday the crack ... obviously missed training, early return from work, bed, paracetamol, throat spray, etc etc perennial hiccups. Now
collect rags and go out to the duty, pretending to ignore, but they are a zombie. Tonight I'd try to do 30 minutes at 6 km, but will not be easy.
I had already downloaded many miles to run well the Roma-Ostia just relax and it did not take this further ... however, if the throat (my Achilles heel ) will hold, even if not on top of that ... I'll be away with warlike intentions.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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Rome, March 1, 2011 - will be discussed in tomorrow's environment committee proposed a question by the leader of Fli Aldo Di Biagio on the criticism contained in legislative decree transposing Directive 2009/28 / EC sulle fonti rinnovabili, attualmente al vaglio del Governo e licenziato nei giorni scorsi dalle Camere. Nel testo Di Biagio chiede: “se il ministro sia a conoscenza di quanto riportato dagli organi di stampa circa la volontà del Governo di stabilire la sospensione dell’assegnazione degli incentivi per la produzione di energia da solare fotovoltaico al raggiungimento dell’obiettivo di 8.000 MW e, in caso affermativo, quali iniziative intenda assumere per garantire l’accesso agli incentivi anche dopo il raggiungimento del predetto obiettivo di 8.000 MW agli impianti per la produzione di energia da solare fotovoltaico, compresi quelli per i quali la richiesta di autorizzazione è da considerarsi ad oggi avviata, anche al fine di mantenere gli policy commitments made in the European Union and internationally. " "Because - he explains - the draft order has some significant difficulties in the matter of support and encouragement of renewable energy, particularly solar photovoltaics on the front by introducing a deleterious as it was unexpected reversal by the government on the face of support PV with predictable consequences on the levels of competitiveness of the country and on the same national manufacturing. " "The decree as it stands - shows - food complex is likely to impact on the Italian economic system risking only about 120,000 workers in the field of photovoltaic energy production. " "Policies to support renewable energy development-and concludes - in Italy, particularly on the side of the photovoltaic allowed to date non-negligible employment and economic benefits."
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Rome, March 1, 2011 - "I believe that few were the heads of government since World War II to the present day to be so terribly and constantly harassed by the institutions." So ironically Aldo Di Biagio, following the recent utterances of the Premier. "The Premier now put back to the wall by his own inconclusiveness politics - he explains - is not nothing but focus the finger at the Hill, accused of impeding his political action against the President Fini accused of open confrontation and the ubiquitous institutional pm what else to do but would not haunt him. A nice range of loopholes to justify almost three years of reform and tremendous latent laws ad personam ". "At Premier, however, miss the fact that the country got its strategy for quite a while - he concludes - and that it is pointless to hide behind fake polls to art. There is now an unbridgeable rift between him and the country and the responsibility is his alone and his exalted government of "don'ts".
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Rome, February 28 2011 - "Development naked throughout the critical regime of a contradictory and complex, and the time to sum up what the partnership has made Libya with Italy through the involvement of cracks related to the powers that be." This was declared by Aldo Di Biagio, in a statement.
"It would be interesting that the Rais, now at sunset, you blow off steam and tell us of its Italian business, and often shady dealings of the dynamics that characterized them - he concluded - I think it would serve to Italy to do some 'clarity on the inputs that often underlying the economic choices and personal interests of the country that in most cases the cause. "