Monday, December 27, 2010

Distance From Statue Of Liberty To Niagra Falls

Vendola, l'illuminato

As it did with me in private, repeats the statement of Richard Stallman Vendola in public: He Said he HAD learned something important about the Political Aspects of Computing .

to understand that the software has a political value is not enough that the letter was written (in Italian) - full of references to political and social - or the same report law in the pipeline (which has a strong political connotations): Vendola continued to believe that free software Was just a kind of computing technology and nothing more.

Fortunately Stallman has arrived from America for a "crash course political literacy" (in English or English), and so we have a President Puglia Region conscious, so aware yet to be considered right and good understanding with Microsoft .

Friday, December 24, 2010

How To Open Tray In Sony Dvp-sr200p

: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Blues

2010 My work is done (and about the Blog ). Leave until January 3.
Christmas classic in the family and starting to dawn on 26 Vipiteno where I will stay with a nice group of friends until January 2.
The pictures I took the post last year from hotel window (where riandrò ) and it is with this image that I want you my most sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and an amazing 2011 ... that is rich in health, PB and entertainment to 360 degrees .
I know it's so simple that maybe I would have saved well, but knowing me if I had not done for sure I would have regretted .
I upgraded ( hastily ) the navbar the next few races.
course the star is the Rome Marathon, where I hope to do well and ideally to meet all ...
... at the end of the list above I added a little bit more then 2 little things These should be as far away were the demands of the letter to Santa Claus.
I'm talking about two marathons:
one end, the Monza- Resegone and the other tourist evocative Athens ( right on the path running from Marathon ) ... then if ( insatiable ), in the middle between the two races, we also escaped a trip to the East I would say that the next 2011 ... immediately put the signature.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Black Beads Gold Chain Designs

Today I feel you ... how you feel! The year 2010 is over so

This picture I took it Ezio (thank you) in a bar in Pisa ( good story) ... Unfortunately, the hair are whitening as the myth of the Blues is still intact ... better to lose no time.
I am inspired by the brothers in all those terrible moments when you need a bit of sprint.

I quickly set new objectives:
  1. Updating the Nav-Bar the next few races to stop the cycle that saw Pisa as a logical conclusion of a period.
  2. find the strength to start a phase of serious strength training not only in the legs, but also the trunk.
  3. Non prendere + di 2kg da qui fino al 10 gennaio pur riposando e mangiando al meglio .

Chiudo questo breve post-pre natalizio piazzando le due foto inerenti al tema fatte proprio sul luogo del delitto.
Sembrano simili, eppure sono separate fra loro da circa 45.000 km di corsa, da tanta vita, tante amicizie, molte esperienze fatte e...
...per me...
...sono un invito( rivolto a tutti ) a correre ogni giorno verso il futuro con le giuste motivazioni... coraggio ...le giornate si stanno già allungando.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Do I Have Lice Or Dandruff?

... I would say that you can be!

Dopo 10 anni consecutivi, il 2010 si chiude senza che sono riuscito a finire una Maratona in meno di 200 minuti. E' una macchia di quelle che resteranno per sempre sul tessuto della mia carriera podistica.
Ero ben allenato, negli ultimi post avevo sprizzato ottimismo da tutti i pori, invece Pisa Marathon sapete bene com'è finita ...anzi sapete bene come non è mai cominciata, then there will stretch over a veil.
For character I always look forward to officially and immediately raise the stake in 2011 when, at the Rome Marathon , I'll try to take back what I feel belong to me.
We are world champions, for the eleventh consecutive year, I passed the 3000 km (9km I missed) and I did in Pisa during a wonderful race with repeated passages from Piazza dei Miracoli curiously snow. It 'was a special training, kissed by a beautiful sun, with the thermometer below zero and the magical company of many Blogtrotters .
Yes, we are world champions ...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gator Wedding Place Holders

exorcise the big chill ... ... gap in Pisa!

In the photo Blade was stoically enduring the sun and the shade temperature was 44 degrees.
In Pisa will be another story. For well that will not rain, but 0 degrees and a nice fillet of wind (perhaps for ) does not take away the no.
It's time to Pre-tactical, to say that last night after the massage I feel pain and discharge, but I will not.
The title is clear: to vent! The
B. ( that shamefully rich ) has disgustingly split, B. ( that shamefully fat ) is already in the final and allowing Africans split (I'm sure I ), it is then that ' Last B. ( Runner that shamefully) that can not and must not fail.
I doubt ... the usual: thermal knit sleeveless and raincoats or just heat ... or even T-shirt and sleeves or heat ... or half or pirate pants .. . ... and again ... a glove or gloves ... it not??
Certainty, ... these: adidas response, socks Kalenji 800, slightly below the throat and clamp head, Pocket K-way stretch (Port gel) .
Now I charge that the carbohydrate part of the preparation that I appreciate more.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Invitation To A Basketball League

Nichi, amore, ripensaci...

We never look back.

Like the first signatories of the (Folena and his lackeys Iodice) were careful to rethink the amendment of Art. 70 of law 633/1941.

You misunderstood - said - do not worry .

And now the answer is the same: 've misunderstood, do not worry .

The fact is that the ruler is the exact opposite of what claims that when in opposition.

So what should we do? Silent? Of course not.

In my view, open 100 letters from 100 different associations of various kinds make much more noise and are much less "manageable" by a letter signed by 100 associations.

Use the media ... please post videos that the user is directed to Vendola ... Use your imagination to make you feel, but stay away from the usual band of politicians, politicians and politicized subject that every time you put in charge of campaigns for freedom of which the government will soon infischierà .

Microsoft is in the institutions as a kind of virus installed on your system political. That 's where it broke the nail. Vendola is a politician, not a virus.

We realize that this cancer will emerge each time a public act, but it is already late. At that point there is no return.

A common front is, if anything to do on the side of firms' believe 'in free software really, a union (for example, a' association ) capable of competing with Microsoft, to act as a viable alternative to offerings "deal" that Microsoft promptly forward, speak with the governors that they can not get away with a "you are the only set that make wars of religion."

Do not expect an administrator, which often makes the accounts to the penny (except when it is criminal to steal, but it's another story), say no to certain for the uncertain.

The alternative must be at the field before, with all the certainty and the guarantees necessary . Otherwise every time we will see always the same squalid little show.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mac Powerbook Removing Scratches

Deposito SIAE: se non paghi il rinnovo, perdi la prova retroattivamente

Many do not know how exactly the service deposit of unpublished works Siae or Siae gives adequate information on its website about the consequences of non-renewal of the deposit.

So ...

The author sent the package (containing the work) to SIAE SIAE in an envelope and seal it every five years the author asks you to pay for the renewal of the deposit. If the offender does not pay and wants to avoid the parcel to be destroyed, it can withdraw.

Many think that withdrew the package that was a few years at SIAE, will still be holding a proof of existence of the work to a certain date. Many think

to withdraw the package in the sealed package of SIAE.

This is serious errors of assessment.

The envelope (SIAE: that the envelope sealed inside the package where SIAE has developed that the author sent SIAE) is destroyed forever: the package is that, at the request of the author, is extracted from the envelope and is returned to him.

In order to protect, the parcel to be destroyed or removed is exactly the same thing : when the package is not sealed in the envelope and filed with SIAE is as if the package was never sent to SIAE.

In other words, the day when the author withdraws his work no longer has a proof that it exists at a certain date.

And this is also logical, if not, just send a parcel to SIAE and collect it the next day to obtain a proof of existence of the work to a certain date without the need to pay for the renewal of the deposit. This is

one of the many reasons why it is better to use Copyzero .

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fade Margin Calculation

La guerra dello yoga

From The Republic .

Given the size of the business, the Americans are trying to "privatize" yoga. In the United States goes crazy race to patent methods.
Hundreds of "positions" are you lust for those who want to put its copyright. Anyone practices should pay the copyright owner. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has officially recognized 131 patents, and there are another 3,700 applications waiting to be examined. So far are mainly books, clothes, DVDs. But there are those who want to extend the copyright on the movements, positions . And this time India, usually tolerant of so many distortions of yoga, rebels. In India, yoga has ancient roots: the earliest forms date back to 2500 BC. It is related to Hindu religion, it was almost always taught free of charge, in ashrams or in public gardens. The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a private business is sacrilegious. "Theft of yoga, called the Indian newspapers. The reaction is held, the guardians of the ancient discipline to fight back. governmental agency in New Delhi, the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, has pulled together the most influential yogis of the nine major schools, and accompanied them to two hundred scientists. Their mission: to retrieve and scan all the years that contain the texts of the yoga sutras. Complete the knowledge of this subject include 900 positions. Will play with digital technologies and put it on video, at least for 250 years the most popular. " is a world heritage site, available to all, and must remain free " is the official target of the operation according to its director VK Gupta. From 34 million pages - the immense amount of documents collected - the Indians want to get to a "summary" to be translated into English, Chinese, English, German and Japanese. "Beware if someone wants to take possession of this wisdom, beneficial to humanity." Paradoxically, the war of privatizing yoga was launched by an Indian right. In 2004, the guru Bikram Choudhury of Calcutta, who landed in Beverly Hills, California, launched the Hot Yoga in gyms temperature sauna. When he realized that in all of California spreading the dummy, he tried to patent and 26 years to collect royalties. Today Yoga "hot" is practiced in 400 centers, from San Francisco to Paris. And Choudhury has won 7 million dollars in copyright.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Images Of People After Taking Adipex

Patamu: il nome cambia, ma non cambia la sostanza

I did not know Patamu was the first site in Italy to mark free and instantaneous and storage of works : caspiterina!

I never raised the issue, but I'd like to know Copyzero
, which has been running since 2003, as it is put in gladuatoria.

:-) And who knows how to put gladuatoria other "services photocopy" of Copyzero online.

course hear about free and at the same time special offer until 30 June is a bit 'funny, but it is better not to make fun, otherwise there's the usual known and teach you creativity, innovation and good manners. ;-)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Earphones For I Touch

Un pomeriggio al telefono con Maurizio Maggiani...

... talking about copyleft, anarchy, art, literature, history ... a really nice person, with extraordinary sensitivity and imagination.

Here the interview

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Whats Megabytes Transfer On Phones

Software libero: la parola alla Corte Costituzionale

This Constitutional Court ruling was welcomed into the world of free software as a godsend. In particular, caused joy in these words: [...] also software-based "Free" is an intellectual work and, therefore, is subject to copyright like any other computer program [...].

Who would have ever said also the hot water is water !

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Congratulations Mariage

Diritti connessi, diritti sui generis e licenze che non licenziano

On the relationship between sui generis rights (on databases) under Article. 102-bis LDA and a license like creative commons you can do similar considerations to those made in relation to related rights is not enough to dismiss the copyright because the licensee has all necessary permits to use freely (and to the extent permitted by the license) copy of a work and the work itself.

would therefore make sense that a project like Open Street Map adopt a new license is specific to the database.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Providence Ri

Truffa alla nigeriana: risvolti umoristici

The letters following takes place between a crook and a person who pretends to fall in the fraud. The latter pretends to be a certain Ruzena Vinsova , a Bohemian woman who now has abandoned us for several decades ... and the unsuspecting crook gets picked up for a ride in a rather blatant.

electronic fraud begins with an e-mail il truffatore invia come Perreto Luis, un tale che si troverebbe in stato di cancro terminale e che prima di morire vorrebbe garantirsi il paradiso con qualche buona azione: una donazione di 80.000 euro.

Sono Perreto Louis
l'ex banchiere. Durante la mia carriera mi hanno compiuto operazioni redditizie. In questo momento tutte le mie transazioni sono state nel mio conto in banca in un paese dell'Africa occidentale con l'ex presidente. I medici hanno diagnosticato la diagnosi del cancro terminale è chiaro morirò dal ... mi è stato consigliato dal padre della mia chiesa, dopo la confessione e fare una donazione. Ho già avuto associazioni. Riceverai una donazione di 80 000 euros. I travel ... Please accept this gift and asked me Prayer Fair. This is important for me: the feeling of having done something on the ground. Please contact your notary for your donation Notaries Dossu cabinet.dossou @

The "Lady Vinsova" contact the notary in question.

Hi, I received a letter from below Pesson talking about donation. Excuse me for example my den but I of Bohemia. Ruzena

The "notary" answers immediately.

I have received your application difatti.scusate hammer il mio francese è la lingua ufficiale di qui. ho ricevuto un memo da parte del Signore Louis Perreto che mi informava della donazione fatta ha il vostro riguardo ed avrebbe augurato che prenda lo schienale per condurrvi attraverso la procedura di trasferimento di donazione.Vi prego di considerare l'atto del mio cliente.Questo è molto reale e legale ma poiché è una donazione ha titolo disinteressato ed esente da ogni debito voi potete rinunciare. Il mio cliente che non ha famiglia, per ragioni religiose e ha causa del suo granchio in fase terminale ha portato la sua scelta su voi. Devo informarvi che questa donazione è di ordine privato fatto da una persona fisica e deve seguire dunque necessariamente e conformarsi ai leggi envigueurs in Repubblica del Benin poiché i fondi previsti per questo atto sono domiciliati alla Banca del mio Cliente in Rép. del Benin e dunque il trasferimento di questa donazione si farà del verso il vostro paese ed attraverso questo trasferimento ci sono diverse formalità ed obblighi per conformarci alla legislazione ed operare questo trasferimento di donazione in ogni legalità.Per questo fare c'occorrerà dichiarare la detta donazione vicino al Tribunale di Prima Istanza di Cotonou per rendere officiell'acte ed introdurre la procedura ufficiale di trasferimento. In questo caso volete trasmettermi per courriel una copia del vostro documento di identità o fotocopia, il vostro indirizzo completo e numeri di telefono per stabilire l'atto di donazione che è la dichiarazione the formalization of the donation then. This act shall be legalized and will be registered at the court of first instance of Cotonou and then this will allow the placement of funds available to the bank for the transfer medium of your scelta.Questo step would not be able to put the time we can add a great deal faster. I am waiting for your answer joignable all'OO22993007155 receive my greetings most distinguished ... Your devout
Notaries Dossou

The "Lady Vinsova" send his identity document .

Enter t'itentità paper. My Address
be because of the Deceiver 18-34149 Trieste. Wait
new instructions, fat. Ruzena

The "notary" begins to rub his hands.

I have received your mail with your ID ©. From Monday you will receive the Deed of Gift and to give his approval before joining the court and the bank.
Thank you for your cooperation. Notaries

arrived on Monday as "notary" send to "Lady" 's deed of gift (download it and watch it because it is a real joke) that prepared because of the "Lady" (really sorry these scammers to work for nothing ... ).

Vi invio questo maglio per informarvi che l'atto di donazione è stabilito.Ve lo mando in locali uniti.Aspetto per iscritto la vostra accettazione ed approvazione per courriel su questo atto. Questo atto dovuto stato legalizzato e registrato al livello del tribunalsuivi del vostro documento di identità questo è in seguito la procedura di ufficializzazione della donazione noi andiamo a passare quella del collocamento ha disposizione dei fondi per la banca. La banca vi libererà i fondi una volta che riceverà l'atto di donazione legalizzata e registrato al tribunale e come l'ho detto questo precedentemente è la dichiarazione e l'ufficializzazione della donazione. Questa procedura al tribunale involves administrative costs of 115 euros that I ask you to provide for the completion of this step you will pull the tribunale.Questo diritti.Una legally in your receipt will be sent the court to provide evidence and a certificate of honor if volete.Volete me to reach your bank account details or let me know if you wish a check that I have finished the phase of the legalization and registration to the court for the bank to make you reach the donazione.Un proof of bank transfer confirmation will be sent to you .. Take good reception of the message and look of your news.
Receive my greetings

The 'old lady' puts al "notaio" proprio la domanda che il "notaio" desidera.

Come io potere dare a voi i 115 euros?
Atendo nove istrusioni, grassie.
Ruzena Vinsova

Qui avviene un piccolo intoppo nell'iter della truffa. Il "notaio" sbaglia il copia-incolla e si mette a parlare con un certo Sig. Graziano (probabilmente una persona che è davvero caduta nella trappola).

Sig. Graziano,
Grazie per la vostra approbation.Pour mandarmi le spese della corte vi darò una procedura molto semplice e rapide.Va l'ufficio postale e ha chiesto di fare un ufficio della Western Union dispone di queste informazioni:

Mittente: Ruzena Vinsova
Domanda: Colore
Risposta: Verde
Paese: Benin

Una volta fatto, vi prego di eseguire la scansione della posta ricevuta che si dà.
Mr. Rustico è il nostro commercialista.
Mi aspetto di iniziare la nuova cartella per il giudice e finire con essa lo stesso giorno e andare in banca per finalizzare esso;
Il mandato fattibile Western Union è l'articolo è disponibile in fretta che ci permette di fretta;
In attesa to hear from you by then.
not forget to mention your bank information so we can transfer the funds once the procedure the court finisce.Tutti supporting documents will be sent during the procedura.Aspetto of your new tomorrow to continue the process.
Receive my greetings
Notaries Dossou

The "Lady" begins to have doubts ... :-)

I do not call me but Vinsova Graziano, who is Mr. Graziano?
I do not know what I have to do the post office. If you could explain to me good, fat. Ruzena

But the "notary" promptly blames the secretary! :-D

Vinzova Lady please excuse the secretary who made u and error with an old schienale.mi personally take care of your back now.
To send the costs of the court please go to the post and he has to ask for Western Union money order.
you will be asked to send news and those that should be used here to give you:

Sender: Ruzena Vinsova
Beneficiary: RUSTIC Fulbert
Question: Answer
Color: Green
Country: Benin

Once done, please to scan incoming mail that si dà.

Voletemi scanner la ricevuta che la posta vi darà quando avrete fatto il vaglia così potremo cominciare la procedura al tribunale e ha la banca.Mandandomi la ricevuta della posta evoyez io anche le notizie bancarie affinché il trasferimento di donatio si faccia e stesso tempo.
Aspetto delle vostre notizie di qui il.
Notaio Dossou

Cosa diavolo sarà lo "schienale"? La "Signora" comunque ringrazia. :-D Sorge un nuovo problema: la "Signora" non ha l'agenzia nei paraggi.

Grazie per schienale.
Io non avere agenzia Western Union vicino casa, come do? Ruzena

The "lawyer" should go to the post office anyway.

Go to the Western Union office poste.Le mandate did poste.Ou ask the post office nearest you or you can faire.Si six villages refugees into the city will be increasingly difficult proche. Sinon © for a further term dossier.le Western Union is faster. Notaries

The "Lady" is not responding more ... (Maybe it's too busy laughing) and "notary" is concerned. :-)

Madam, I have no more of your notizie.Questa is a waiver has the donation?
appearance of your news to know what direction to give back

The "Lady" reassuring "the notary."

tomorrow morning going to the post, you expect me to do everything right. Ruzena

counting on you tomorrow morning to continue the file.You could have informed me of the time.
In anticipation of tomorrow receive the greeting again.
Notaries Dossou

The following day, no news coming from the "Lady" and "notary" is concerned.

Vinsova Dear lady, I always wait for your news this morning as expected to be able to start back to the court.
Thanks for keeping me very quickly informato.Noi accuson the delay in the back because the act of donation is datato.Voi and I understand the value of time
Notaries Dossou

The "Lady" confirmation of the credit, but does not show a receipt.

Everything apostle. Made of 115 euros versammento stammatina. Aspettare tue notizie.
Ruzena Vinsova

Signora Vinsova,
Se avete fatto il trasferimento mi prega di eseguire la scansione della ricevuta del post e mi dia un codice di dieci cifre elencate sul recu.
Je dettoQuesto mi aspetto molto vite. non capire la vostra lassismo.
Notaio Dossou

La scassione ora non potere fare pecché mio nipote non essere a casa e io non sapere come usare scanner.
Che numero tu volere? Money transfer control No??
Ruzena Vinsova

Signora Vinsova,
sì che il numero is what I am looking for: Money Transfer Control No
Please send this very vite.Il must also send me your bank information to transfer the money once the procedure ends in court or sav oir me if you want a check transfer.
Hold. Thanks

The "Lady" is very old and do not see very well ...

My account number already given you. Now I do not remember. Number trasferel monetary control be 2944702839. I think
sins I have glasses and do not be ansianna buonni. Ruzena

The bitter epilogue ... I will always be in my heart "no one puts as much back in negligence." :-D

Signora Vinsova, Apparentemente amate gli scherzi ciò che non è il mio caso visto il serio del mio lavoro.Il numero del trasferimento non esiste.Dunque non avete fatto di trasferimento questo è ciò che dice la posta qui.Perciò non mi avete dato mai il vostro numero di conto per farvi trasferire la donazione.O ve mi fate il trasferimento e scanner la ricevuta perché deve avere uno in italie tutta intero voi mi avete molto scannée il vostro locale di identtité.O mi fermo ogni scambio che sarà cosidéré come una rinuncia.
Non darò seguito che ha il vostro maglio dopo avere ricevuto un promosso scané della posta o considero degli aujoud'hui che è una rinuncia.Nessuno mette altrettanta negligenza in un schienale.
Aurevoir lady and good luck in your vita.Addio

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Long Before Gonorrhea Symptoms Disappear

Cambiare la Costituzione senza conoscerla: si può?

service de Le Iene recently went on the air is really worrying our MPs (we talk of ministers and former Rosi Bindi as ministers) do not even know the art. 1 of the Constitution. I have no words. I am ashamed for them.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Butterfly Rims For Sale

Il Logo Hadopi viola il copyright

logo Hadopi , Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des oeuvres et la protection des droits sur l'Internet , viola il copyright in quanto utilizza un esclusivo carattere tipografico disegnato nel 2000 da Jean François Porchez per France Telecom: il Bienvenue . La notizia non è passata inosservata .

E noi in Italia? Non abbiamo qualche ente preposto alla difesa del copyright che lo viola? Stay tuned. :-)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Help For My Dog With Lymphoma

Dedicato a chi vorebbe essere come Cameron Diaz

Su questo blog potete ammirare alcune foto di star hollywoodiane prima e dopo l'intervento di photoshop .

Se volete suicidarvi perché siete vittime di un modello di bellezza che voi credete reale ma che in realtà è a bit of seam shots, pass the mouse cursor over the image and begin to feel better.