Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Brazilian Wax In Belleville
That sections and responsible correspondants:
family mediation
Francesco Pasquale Busso et Canevelli
Fabiana Filippi et
Giancarlo Francini
Médiation Scolaire
Lilia Andreoli et
Donald Bott
Médiation de l'Entreprise et Institutionnelle
Paola Stradone
Médiation Communautaire et Social
Fabio Vittorio et Bassoli Blacks
Médiation Pénale
Roberta Frison et Aldo Mattucci
Nouvelles Médiations: conciliation, de la consommation, sportive
Isabella Buzzi , Gennaro Galdo, Rosita Marinoni
Stefania Castellani,
Giuseppe Ruggiero
Les responsables proposeront et évalueront les articles concernant leur section, en invitant aussi des auteurs célèbres à proposer des articles à de différents sujets d’intérêt or give an overview of the field. In addition, there are topics that appear regularly, even if some are still "under construction":
Occupation Ombudsman
Rolando Ciofi
Lilia Andreoli
Book Reviews
Stefania Castellani
Book Reviews articles
Marcello Vetere
Rodolfo Bernart
Patrizia Majrani
Conny Leporatti
Books who are not technical
Rosita Marinoni
Giuseppe Ruggiero
Andrea Mugnaini
Press Review
Rosita Marinoni
Evénements, nouvelles et commentaires
P. Busso , C. Marzotto, T. Lastrucci
D’autres sections pourraient évidemment être ajoutées à nos prochains numéros.
Ce numéro est très riche en articles et il en présente bien trois de l’étranger, très significatifs, de Lisa Parkinson, Chantal Van Cutsem et Ana Maria Sanchez Duran, respectivement en Anglais, en Français et en Espagnol, parus en version originale et en Italien, en raison du choix d’une revue internationale exprimé aussi par la décision de traduire en quatre langues (Anglais, Français, English and German) summaries of all the articles and the editorial.
Articles by Van Cutsem and Parkinson addressed the subject of the stepfamily. The article by Ana Maria Sanchez Duran has the merit of the present legal world and the differences between Italy and Spain.
Sections Italian are also so interesting that we had to return due to space three important articles on the following number of proposals because truly many. The contributions of Busso and Mattucci, two authors very dear to our readers, we have the experience of mediation, and we also have the chance to present a unique vision and a historical overview of family mediation conducted by perhaps the most informed of all the authors in this field: Costanza Marzotto. Then Lia Mastropaolo creatively presents the field of training, his work is then enriched through the active work of Giuseppe Ruggiero said that the special rules that characterize the training model AIMS.
Considerations on ethics and ethics are proposed by Francesco Mazzei, Bruno Schettini, while Aldinucci Francini and clarify and deepen the topic of listening the minor during the mediation and expertise in this area by introducing psycho-legal assessment model based on the "Lausanne Triadic Play" Fivaz, which will present her work in Italy just in May 2005. Finally, Giovanna Mantovani, Tiziana Lonardi and give us a very important contribution on the neutral space, an instrument virtually unknown in Italy, however, thanks to the experience of Verona, is still enjoying more success and he is also a model for other countries. This article represents the synthesis of one of the best and final theses leased AIMS training.
All topics are interesting, but players will find very useful "Profession Ombudsman (yes ... we used the best title of our congress passed) in which Rolando Ciofi, which does not lack experience in this field, provide guidance practices regarding the structuring of an appropriate and proper professional role. Ciofi as Andreoli, for the section "Questions and Answers", inviting readers to participate with their comments and asking questions. The news will be presented in the sections headed by Busso, Marzotto and Lastrucci.
As the mediator, too, needs a large number of experiments, it is hoped that some interesting suggestions come from the reading of Film, Television, Art, Books that are not technical and Image, which have Indeed the goal to remind our students and mediators that are already active becomes even life, not only in the study techniques.
Number three, we hope to prepare for the end of the summer, provides significant contributions for the mediation and other topics as well as Florence Kaslow items and Robert Emery. The number four is devoted to the Acts of Congress in November 2003 in Treviso. Yet I invite all those who have not yet provided me with the earliest possible contributions which I remind you the deadline of September 15, 2005.
Happy reading!
Rodolfo Bernart
Socio Fondatore AIMS AIMS
Presidente Istituto di Terapia Familiare
di Firenze, debernart@itff.org
How To Not Get Caught With D2nt
It took a little 'time to build the structure of the model number, determined by the editors.
As you can see we decided, after a long and constructive discussion on issues not monographs, but containing within different sections, always present some other presented only when there are items that touch their theme.
sections and their leaders are outlined in Box:
Family Mediation
Francesco Pasquale Busso and Canevelli
Intercultural Mediation
Fabiana Filippi e
Giancarlo Francini
Mediazione Scolastica
Lilia Andreoli e
Donatella Bottiglieri
Mediazione Aziendale/Istituzionale
Paola Stradoni
Mediazione Sociale e Comunitaria
Fabio Bassoli e Vittorio Neri
Mediazione Penale
Roberta Frison e Aldo Mattucci
Nuove Mediazioni: conciliazione, di consumo, sportiva
Isabella Buzzi, Gennaro Galdo,
Rosita Marinoni
Formazione in Mediazione
Stefania Castellani,
Giuseppe Ruggiero
leaders propose and evaluate the articles in their own section, inviting some major authors to submit articles on hot topics or works in the scenic area.
Profession Ombudsman
Rolando Ciofi
Questions and Answers
Lilia Andreoli
Book Review
Stefania Castellani
Reviews Articles
Marcello Vetere
Rodolfo de Bernart
Patrick Majrani
Conny Lepore
Libri non tecnici
Rosita Marinoni
Giuseppe Ruggiero
Note del lettore
Andrea Mugnaini
Rassegna Stampa
Rosita Marinoni
Eventi, notizie e commenti
P. Busso, C. Marzotto,
T. Lastrucci
Ci sono poi le rubriche che appariranno con regolarità , anche se alcune sono ancora “in costruzione”:
Altre potrebbero , naturalmente essere introdotte nei prossimi numeri.
Questo numero è molto ricco e presenta ben tre articoli stranieri significativi di Lisa Parkinson, Chantal Van Cutsem and Ana Maria Sanchez Duran, respectively, in English, French and English, of course published in the original and in Italian, a choice for "international" the magazine also expressed in the decision to be translated into four other languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, English and German) summaries of all articles and this work editoriale.I Parkinson's and Van Cutsem touches on the theme of the stepfamily. The article by Ana Maria Sanchez Duran is credited with introducing us to the legal world and the differences between the Italian and English. Even Italian
original articles are of great interest, and proposals for this issue have been so numerous that we had to postpone some items to the number three very important, for lack of space. In addition to the contributions of Busso and Mattucci, well-known authors to our readers, we introduce the practice of mediation, we are fortunate to be able to present a unique view of history and overview of mediation in family care of what is perhaps the best-informed author Field: Constance Marzotto. Lia Mastropaolo then introduces us to a brilliant and creative field of training and its contribution is integrated effectively in the work of Joseph Ruggiero emphasizing some particular mode of training model AIMS. Reflections on ethics and ethics are being handled by Francesco Mazzei Bruno Schettini, while Aldinucci Francini and clarify and deepen the topic of the child in mediation and expertise in this area by introducing psicogiuridico an assessment model based on the "Lausanne Triadic Play" Fivaz, which just in May of 2005 in Italy will present their work. Giovanna Mantovani Tiziana Lonardi and finally provide us a useful contribution on the neutral space, a technical tool is still little known in Italy, but just through the experience of Verona, is catching on and is even used as a model in other countries. The article represents a summary of the best and most praised training dell'AIMS final thesis.
Headings are all interesting, but I think our readers will find it very useful "Profession Ombudsman" (we used it the grand title of one of our past conference) in which Rolando Ciofi, which certainly does not lack experience in this field will give practical guidance on structuring and maintaining a proper and professional role correct. Ciofi is that Andreoli for his book "Questions and Answers" urging readers to attend the course with comments and requests.
The news is provided by sections treated by Busso, Marzotto and Lastrucci.
And given that the Ombudsman need as much experience, we hope to stimulate profits are also the categories of Film, Television, Arts, Books and non-technical Image, which have precisely the task of reminding our students and to brokers already operating such that you become in life and not just study the techniques.
In number three, which we hope to prepare for the end of summer have already provided important original contributions on mediation and other topics and articles translated by Florence Kaslow and Robert Emery.
Number four will be dedicated to the minutes of the November 2003 conference in Treviso. I invite all the speakers who have not yet done so to send me as soon as their contributi.Ricordando that the dead line for that number is 15 September 2005.
Good reading.
Rodolfo de Bernart
Socio Fondatore AIMS AIMS
Presidente Istituto di Terapia Familiare
di Firenze, debernart@itff.org
Will I Get Turned On When I Get A Wax
Our staff has taken some time to decide the structure of the present edition.
As you will see, we have decided after a long and thorough discussion of non-monographic issues, which include the other hand, a number of areas some of which will be available consistently, others only if items are available that affect the subject directly.
The different areas and its officers can be found in the following list:
family mediation
Pasquale Busso and
Francesco Canevelli
Intercultural Mediation
Fabiana Filippi and
Giancarlo Francini
mediation within the school system
Lilia Andreoli and
Donatella Bottiglieri
operation and institutional mediation
Paola Stradoni
Soziale Mediation
Fabio Bassoli und Vittorio Neri
Rechtliche Mediation
Roberta Frison und
Aldo Mattucci
Neue Mediationsformen: Aussöhnung, Konsum, Sport
Isabella Buzzi, Gennaro Galdo, Rosita Marinoni
Ausbildung in Mediation
Stefania Castellani,
Giuseppe Ruggiero
Die Verantwortlichen schlagen Artikel vor und ziehen dieselben in Betracht. Außerdem werden namhafte Autoren eingeladen, zu aktuellen Themen Stellung zu nehmen oder einen Überblick über den jeweiligen Sektor zu verschaffen.
Weiters gibt es Rubriken , die regelmäßig erscheinen werden, auch wenn einige davon noch „ im Aufbau“ begriffen sind.
Beruf Mediator
Rolando Ciofi
Fragen und Antworten
Lilia Andreoli
Stefania Castellani
Marcello Vetere
Rodolfo de Bernart
Patrizia Marjani
Conny Leporatti
books outside the department
Rosita Marinoni
Giuseppe Ruggiero
comments of the reader
Andrea Mugnaini
press reports
Rosita Marinoni
events, news and comments
P. Busso, C. Marzotto,
T. Lastrucci
More topics can be introduced naturally into the next edition.
This issue is very rich and presents us three important articles of foreign authors, from Lisa Parkinson, Chantal Van Cutsem and Ana Maria Sanchez Duran, each in English, French and English, which of course published in the original and in Italian . The magazine will have an international flavor, which also reflects the fact that the summaries of the articles appear, as well as this introductory words of the publisher each in 4 languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, English and German).
Articles by Parkinson's and Van Cutsem concern the subject of blended families. The article by Ana Maria Sanchez Duran has the merit us the facts and legal differences that exist in this respect between Spain and Italy show.
The comments are coming from Italy was of great interest and their number is so high that we had to move three valuable contributions due to insufficient space on the next number.
addition to the articles of Busso and Mattucci that our readers are already known and introduce us to the practice of mediation, we can also offer an important historical overview of the mediation practice, the author in this area, probably the best versed in it: Costanza Marzotto.
Lia Mastropaolo accompanied us brilliantly and creatively in the Field of training and their contribution is integrated by the work of Giuseppe Ruggiero, highlighting some important arrangements for the training model AIMS.
reflections on ethics and deontology are from Francesco Mazzei, Bruno Schettini, while deepening Aldinucci and Bruno Schettini the theme of listening to the minor at a mediation or a judicial review and, hence, in this psycho-juridical field, an evaluation model based on the "Lausanne Triadic Play the Fivaz based
which is in May 2005 to discuss their work in Italy. Giovanna Mantovani, Tiziana
Lonardi and finally give us a very valuable contribution to the neutral Room, a technical tool, which in Italy is still little known, but give the Verona experience and attention has in other countries even as the model.
The article is the synthesis of the best and most acclaimed work completed training in AIMS.
Headings sure all are interesting, but I assume that our readers, "professional mediator" (Oh yes, we have used the beautiful title of our last Congress) will find it useful, in which we Rolando Ciofi, which it certainly did not experience lacking in this area, practical advice for structuring and maintaining an adequate and proper professional role provides. Both Ciofi and Andreoli in its "Questions and Answers" to ask the reader comments and inquiries.
News include the categories of Busso, Marzotto and Lastrucci.
Now also needs the mediator experiences that go beyond the immediate department addition, we hope that the sections "Cinema", "TV", "Art," "books outside the Department" and "Image" perceived as interesting . We want to make our training as well as all the candidates already in the field of mediation in employment remind them that one is in life and not just in the study of techniques for the mediator. In
issue 3, we can hopefully due out end of summer, are original contributions to judicial mediation, and translated to other topics and articles by Florence Kaslow and Robert Emery provided
number 4 is the acts of Congress in Treviso dedicated November 2005. I invite all authors to submit their contributions as soon as possible, they should not have it done and remember that the deadline for that number 15, September.
Rodolfo de Bernart
Socio Fondatore AIMS AIMS
Presidente Istituto di Terapia Familiare
di Firenze debernart@itff.org,
Stomach Cramps During Intercourse
As you can see we have decided, after long discussion and effective case numbers do not, but contain within them different sections. Some are still present, others presented only when there are items that touch the subject.
Mediación Familiar
Francesco Pasquale Busso y Canevelli
Mediación Intercultural
Fabiana Filippi
Giancarlo y Francini
Escolar y Lilia
Donatella Andreoli Bottiglieri
Mediación Empresarial Institucional y Paola
Social y Mediación Community
Bassoli y Fabio Vittorio Blacks
Mediación Penal
Aldo y Roberta Frison Mattucci
New Mediations: conciliation, consumer, sports Isabella
Buzzi, Gennaro Galdo, Rosita Marinoni
Mediation Training
Stefania Castellani and Giuseppe Ruggiero
Sections and its leaders are illustrated in Box:
makers propose and assess the articles of the section, thus encouraging it to some important authors to submit articles on current topics or panoramic works on the sector.
There are also sections that appear regularly although some are still "under construction":
Profession Mediator
Rolando Ciofi
Q & Lilia Andreoli
Bookshelf books Stefania Castellani
Articles Bookshelf Marcello
Film Bernart
Patrizia Majrani
Conny Leporatti
Nontechnical books
Rosita Marinoni
Giuseppe Ruggiero image
Reader's Notes
Andrea Mugnaini
Press Review
Rosita Marinoni
Events, news and P.
comments Busso, C. Marzotto, T.
Others may, of course, be introduced in future issues.
This number is very rich and has three significant foreign goods Lisa Parkinson, Chantal Van Cutsem and Ana María Sánchez Durán, respectively, in English, French and English, of course original and published in Italian, by an election "international" magazine also expressed in the decision to translate into other four languages \u200b\u200b(English , French, English and German) summaries of all articles of this editorial. Parkinson's work and Van Cutsem address the issue of the blended family. The article by Ana Maria Sanchez Duran has the merit of introducing into the legal world and the differences between Italian and English.
also the Italian original articles are of great interest, and proposals for this issue have been so numerous that we had to postpone some items to number three very important for lack of space. In addition to the contributions and Mattucci Busso, authors well known to our readers, we introduce the practice of mediation, we are fortunate to be able to present an exceptional panoramic view of history and family mediation under the direction of which can more informed is the author of the field: Costanza Marzotto. Lia introduces Mastropaolo thereafter brilliant and creative in the field of training and its contribution is effectively integrates the work of Giuseppe Ruggiero which highlights some special arrangements AIMS training model. Reflections on ethics and professional ethics are trust and Francesco Mazzei Bruno Schettini, while Francini Aldinucci and point out and deepen the theme of listening to the child in mediation and expertise in this sector psicojuridíco introducing a pricing model based on "Lausanne Triadic Play "Fivaz, the what, precisely in May 2005, present in Italy your model. Giovanna Lonardi Tiziana and Mantovani finally, we provide a very useful contribution on the neutral space, a technical instrument still little known in Italy, however, precisely through the experience Veronese, is gaining strength and is regarded as nothing less than a model in other countries . The paper represents the synthesis of one of the best and most lauded final thesis of the AIMS training.
The sections are all interesting, but I think our readers will find very useful "Profession Mediator" (yes, we have used the title of a beautiful past of our meetings) in which Rolando Ciofi, which certainly does not lack experience in this sector, given practical advice on structuring and maintaining an adequate and proper professional role. Ciofi is that Andreoli for section "Questions and Answers" logically ask readers to participate with comments and requests.
The news sections are provided by Busso, Marzotto and Lastrucci.
and also because the mediator has the need for more vast experience, we expect useful stimuli are made from sections of Film, Television, Arts, Books nontechnical and Image, which have precisely the task of reminding our students and facilitators who are already working to become such, even in life and not only in the study of the techniques.
At number three, we hope to prepare for the end of summer have provided important and original contributions on penal mediation and other issues and articles translated by Florence Kaslow and Robert Emery.
The number four will be devoted instead to the conference proceedings of Treviso November 2003. I invite all the speakers who have not yet done so to send their contributions as soon as possible. Recordando que la dead line para ese número es el 15 de septiembre del 2005.
Buena lectura.
Rodolfo de Bernart
Socio Fondatore AIMS
Presidente AIMS
Istituto di Terapia Familiare
di Firenze, debernart@itff.org
Safeway Bakery Birthday Cakes
We needed some time to create the structure of the regular issue, which was decided by the editorial board.
As you can see, after a long discussion we choose to publish non monographic issues, containing different sections. Some of them will always show up on the issue, some others only if there are articles regarding their specific topic.
The sections, and the persons responsible of them are listed above:
Family Mediation
Pasquale Busso
Francesco Canevelli
Intercultural Mediation
Fabiana Filippi
Giancarlo Francini
School Mediation
Lilia Andreoli
Donatella Bottiglieri
Business and Institutional Mediation
Paola Stradoni
Social and Community Mediation
Fabio Bassoli and Vittorio Neri
Giudical Mediation
Roberta Frison,
Aldo Mattucci
New types of Mediation: conciliation, consumer, sport
Isabella Buzzi , Gennaro Galdo , Rosita Marinoni
Training in Mediation
Stefania Castellani,
Giuseppe Ruggiero
The persons responsible of the sections will suggest and evaluate articles regarding their section and will invite other important authors to write articles on “hot” topics or wide-range articles regarding a specific section of the Mediation.
Then we have the Departments, that will be published regularly, even if we are still preparing them:
Profession: Mediator
Rolando Ciofi
Q&A Questions and Answers
Lilia Andreoli
Book reviews
Stefania Castellani
Article reviews
Marcello Vetere
Rodolfo de Bernart
Patrizia Majrani
Conny Leporatti
Non technical books
Rosita Marinoni
Giuseppe Ruggiero
Notes from the readers
Andrea Mugnaini
Press Survey
Rosita Marinoni
Events, news, comments
P. Busso , C. Marzotto,
T. Lastrucci
Other Departments could be obviously brought to the list in the future.
This issue is very rich, and features three significant foreign articles from Lisa Parkinson, Chantal Van Cutsem and Ana Maria Sanchez Duran, respectively in English, French and English, published in the original language and in Italian, because of the “International” orientation of the journal. We also translated in four languages (Enaglish, French, English and German) the abstracts of all of the articles, and this editorial review as well.
Lisa Parkinson’s and Chantal Van Cutsem’s works are both about the step-family, while the article from Ana Maria Sanchez Duran let us discover the legal world and the difference between the Italian and English ones.
The original italian articles are also very interesting, and we received so many papers to evaluate for this issue, that we had to move some of them to the next issue because of the lack of space.
Besides the articles from Busso and Mattucci, authors certeanly well known by our readers, which introduce us to the Mediation profession, we have the luck to present an extraordinary and full-range story about the history of the mediation, narrated by one of the most informed italian author: Costanza Marzotto.
Lia Mastropaolo introduces us to the Training in mediation in a very creative an outstanding way, and his work is integrated by the one from Giuseppe Ruggiero. Ruggiero’s work underlines some specific features of the training model of the AIMS.
Some reflections about the ethics and deonthology were assigned to Francesco Mazzei and Bruno Schettini, while Aldinucci and Francini make more specific and deepen the topic of listening to the child in mediation and court proceedings. They introduce the evaluation model based on the “Lausanne Triadic Play” by Fivaz , which will present her work in May 2005 in Italy.
Giovanna Lonardi and Tiziana Mantovani discuss an important issue about the “Neutral space”, a technical instrument not so well known in Italy, that is becoming more and more popular thank to the “Verona” experience. This model was adopted by other countries too. This article represents the synthesis of one of the most acclaimed final thesis of the training course of AIMS.
All of the Departments are very interesting. I personally believe that our readers will find the “Profession : Mediation” very usefull (yes we used a nice headline from one of our past congresses). Rolando Ciofi that has a very extended experience in this field will provide specific guidelines on how to maintain an adeguate and correct role of the Professional Mediator.
Both Ciofi and Andreoli in her Featured Article “Questions and Answers”, invite the reader to participate with comments or requests.
All the News are brought to you by Busso, Marzotto e Lastrucci.
And since also the Mediators need to expand their experiences, we hope that you will have some new inputs from the new departments: Cinema, Television, Art, Non technical books and Image. These sections were planned to remind to our students and to the mediators that one should learn from the “school of life” too, not only from the techniques .
In the third issue, that is hopefully supposed to be published for the end of the summer, we are already planning important contributions about the Court Mediation and we have yet articles from Florence Kaslow and Robert Emery.
The fourth issue will be dedicated to the Collected papers from the Congress which took place in Treviso in november 2003.
I invite all of the speakers to send to me their contributions, if they did not do that yet. I remind to all that the deadline for the 4th issue is: September 15th 2005.
Enjoy your reading!
Rodolfo de Bernart
Socio Fondatore AIMS
Presidente AIMS
Istituto di Terapia Familiare
di Firenze, debernart@itff.org
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Free Acrostic Poem Generator

Allieve Didatte A.I.M.S., Istituto Veneto di Terapia Familiare, sede di Verona, IVTF-Verona@libero.itzia-tina@tiscali.it
"Compito dei genitori è donare due cose ai figli: le radici e le ali"
(Proverbio del Québec)
La costruzione di un Centro di Spazio Neutro al servizio dei minori separati da uno o da entrambi i genitori nasce per la tutela del "diritto a mantenere relazioni personali e contatti diretti con entrambi i genitori, salvo quando ciò è contrario al maggior interesse del bambino"
(ONU- ‘Convenzione dei diritti dell’infanzia’ art.9,1989, New York)
Scopo dell'articolo è dimostrare come in un Centro di Spazio Neutro le modalità usate nella mediazione siano indispensabili per permettere al figlio l’accesso al genitore, e al genitore la possibilità di avvicinarsi e riconoscere i bisogni del figlio.
Si vuole dimostrare come le tecniche di mediazione utilizzate secondo il modello sistemico facilitino la ‘protezione’ della storia e dei vissuti del singolo.
Per attivare uno spazio dove possa essere favorito e mantenuto il legame genitoriale si è delineato uno sfondo teorico can offer support in defining the possible ways of intervention.
This background serves to allow the identification and implementation of intervention models varied depending on:
· the application;
· dell'inviante;
· the problematic situation;
· of this level of conflict in the family ;
· age of the children involved.
The services offered by the bid must take on different characteristics of an area with the presence of an 'observer guarantor' of the welfare of the child, to an intervention that responds to a specific request of the Judiciary (Marzotto, Dallanegra, 1998). It makes
therefore necessary background characteristics of flexibility and permeability that have been identified:
1. systemic model in family trigenerazionale (approach which emerged mainly through the studies and research Selvin Scabini, squeaks, Galimberti, Mombelli, Iafrate and others of the Catholic University of Milan) with regard to the identification and interpretation of the problems and nuclei intervention;
2. family mediation in the implementation of procedures and techniques for conflict resolution.
In the work presented here are defined in particular: o To
reference theoretical background: the concept of family and legamecon the identification of the elements of prosperity and development of the individual elements to be preserved even in situations of separation, indipendentementedal reason for the separation itself. The conflict and the vital function that assumenel context of the mediation, a neutral
· Space Verona
· action of the operators as subjects of mediation and lefunzioni pursued by them;
· the mediation techniques used.
theoretical background reference
The family bond
The interpretive paradigm and change the identity of the family and developed by Scabini Cigoli (2000) and called symbolic-relational paradigm defines the family in its structural components that identify it as an organization different from other organizations.
According to this paradigm, the family is defined as specific and unique organization that binds and holds together the original and fundamental human differences, those between genders (male and female), between generations (parents and children) and among lineages (maternal and paternal family tree) and that 'as a project objective and intrinsic generativity' (Scabini-Iafrate, 2003).
What distinguishes the family from other forms of organization and group is the relationship that develops between its components. The links that are established it (marriage, between parents and children, including relatives) will identify the identity and form 'the basis for the formation and spread the emotional part of individuals' (Scabini, Cigoli 2000). Family ties
characteristics, as claimed Scabini (in Scabini, Iafrate, 2003), which are useful for the formulation of our models of intervention in what they are:
· primary: the subjects are related to one another as individuals;
· hierarchically structured: the family is a group of parianche if by some boards can be established generational peer relationships;
° referred by both emotional aspects of care, both from the ethical vincoloe of responsibility.
for each individual is what binds the report, even unknowingly, the subject among themselves, is what has been settled and will sediment in terms of rituals, values, myths and patterns of relationships. It is therefore 'array of anthropological and psychological development of the individual' (Scabini-Cigoli, 2000).
The links that are built make it possible to learn how to respond to the moments of life as well as help the individual to overcome the sense of loneliness and abandonment by a feeling of belonging. N
importance of protecting the bond in a neutral space
The family bond is the basis on which 'form and develop the emotional part of every individual' (Scabini, squeaks, 2000).
The welfare of each individual seen in the present and projected into the future, depends largely on establishing links and relationships with their families and the ability to understand and process the situations and events of life, although sad and sometimes tragic .
Numerous studies performed in Italy (Cigoli, 1998) that examined the effects on children of separation that resulted in the removal of one parent, have highlighted how the instability of the family relationship in children arouse feelings of fear, anger and guilt leading them to express their discomfort through different behaviors: aggression, regression, easy tears, continued refuge in fantasies of 'reintegration' family or other.
E 'was also highlighted as the development of such feelings and the evolution of the living and the child's behavior resulting in' relief 'of the illness, and related factors in addition to age and time, also to' how parents can keep the relationship between them and their children '(Beal, 1980). In high-conflict situations, the pain in their children can have a material impact on their future development.
Situations di separazione causate da eventi quali la carcerazione di un genitore, la limitazione della potestà genitoriale per incuria, l'incapacità, l'abuso o altri gravi motivi che comportano l’allontanamento ‘forzato’ del figlio da uno o entrambi i genitori, rendono complessa ma necessaria l’elaborazione dei sentimenti di paura, rabbia e colpa per permettere il ‘riannodarsi del legame genitoriale’ (Cigoli, 1998).
Per i minori e i propri genitori mantenere il rapporto anche in situazioni gravissime significa mantenere il legame da un punto di vista ‘biologico-storico della relazione’, significa dare la possibilità di accesso alle proprie radici aumentando la possibilità di ‘elaborare i significati che avere quei genitori, quei nonni o quei figli comporta’ (Cigoli in Marzotto, Dallanegra, 1998).
La creazione di uno spazio neutro dove vengono attivate modalità di tutela del legame e delle sue funzioni, dove i genitori vengono aiutati ad esplicitare e a tener conto dei bisogni dei figli in funzione generativa implica la scelta di tecniche di intervento che oltre alla clinica e alla psicoterapia facciano riferimento alla mediazione.
Funzione della genitorialità
Mantenere in atto la funzione genitoriale permette di mantenere in atto il legame, permette al genitore di trasmettere le proprie scelte e attraverso they express and make their ability to care, and child to feel cared for and protected (Cigoli, 1998). The pact
parental guarantees the presence of child protection issues and empathy typical code of breast and emancipatory aspects of order and justice typical of the paternal code (Scabini, squeaks, 2000).
The ideal relationship in situations of separation and divorce would be that of the cooperative and consensual parenting by parents in relation to children. In addition to having guaranteed access to both races this attitude does not encourage a healthy emotional development by reducing the tensions caused by feelings of loyalty toward the father or mother that the children feel in situations of conflict.
Camara and Resnick (in Cigoli, 1998) show that positive cooperation in parenting has positive effects on children even if parents are in conflict on other issues.
Building a space where you can pick up the threads of parenting fits a suspended task facing both the individual and to society because it allows individuals to exercise the right of the 'gift' (Cigoli, 1998) in its value of gratuity and reciprocity, and the community to have 'regulated relations' and play a role in prevention of trying to maintain a healthy relationship between children and adults of reference.
Separazioni: ‘il diritto di visita’ nel divorzio e nelle separazioni coatte
Ogni forma di separazione si configura come transizione critica della famiglia e come tale porta con sé situazioni di sofferenza (Scabini, Iafrate, 2003).
Ci sono famiglie nelle quali la discordia derivata dall’interruzione del patto coniugale può permanere per lungo tempo anche dopo il divorzio e rendere difficile, a volte impossibile, per un figlio la frequentazione del genitore non affidatario.
In altre situazioni la lontananza abitativa di un genitore può rendere ‘senza posto’ l’incontro con il figlio o ridursi a luoghi come ristoranti o giardinetti where the possibility of exchange becomes difficult.
In other contexts there may have been more parental behavior harmful to the mistreatment of children for whom custody was required for expulsion to a third party.
Then there are adults who are incarcerated for crimes the most diverse and from which children are 'necessarily' separate.
In those situations where problems can be serious and where there is a chronic disease of their parents, increasing doubts about the possibility of recovery of parenting skills and therefore a real possibility to re-establish relations.
"The right of access is established by law the right of persons to keep alive the historical biological roots of which the mind can not nonalimentarsi. But the law, which refers to the rule and the rule of Community law is anchela secure base from which to move towards the dock salvaguardiadelle relations between generations and even of their recovery "(Cigoliin Marzotto, Dallanegra, 1998). The Neutral Space
provides pathways to support parents varied depending on the situation: it is essential to access the child to both parents even in the presence of a serious assessment of the damage or suffering caused by the report.
In simpler situations the support can range from a place to meet all’osservazione silenziosa degli operatori.
Nelle situazioni più difficili le prescrizioni del Tribunale e la valutazione clinica del danno e della sua ‘riparabilità’ costituiscono elementi chiave nel predisporre il processo di avvicinamento al genitore maltrattante.
Laddove il danno ricevuto dal figlio sia riconosciuto come un reato per il genitore e la relazione sia normata dal Tribunale, la funzione dello Spazio Neutro si esplica nella salvaguardia del figlio e nell’aiutarlo ad elaborare attraverso gli incontri protetti con il genitore il che cosa e il perché è avvenuto. Al genitore offre, nell’aiutarlo ad accedere alla propria ‘generatività’ (Scabini, Iafrate, 2003), la possibilità to break the chronicity of abuse and begin a process of repairing the damage (Vassalli, Training Course for Technical Consultant - 2001). However
not always the amount of damage suffered through physical abuse, emotional, sexual or psychological corresponds to a recognition of crime, in which case the function of Neutral Space will be to bring out the seriousness and potential danger of the report, giving the way to a path of 'recognition'.
The rationale that supports the right of the child to have access to parents, even in situations where generativity is expressed with great difficulty lies in the recognition by a di vista relazionale dell’importanza per il figlio di collocarsi all’interno della coppia per trovare le proprie radici e per poter pensare ad un avvenire possibile (Cigoli, 1998).
La conoscenza del lavoro svolto all’interno di Spazi Neutri in Italia e all’estero, ha permesso di usufruire di parametri di confronto utili nella scelta delle metodologie di intervento.
Intervento di terzi: gli operatori
La funzione degli operatori all’interno dello Spazio Neutro di Verona è molteplice e diversificata: il gruppo ha caratteristica multidisciplinare (Psychotherapists, psychologists, educators, mediators, educators, social workers) and individual expertise are used in a cooperative context especially in the analysis of the application, the planning stage of the process of defining and identifying operational who will assume the responsibilities of the job.
expressing the third to be conflicting reports, operators say the presence of social and law clearly requiring that the child is not property of the person who creates it is a social good and as such must be protected.
The neutral space, is configured as a 'place of transition' and the plight of workers in situations less complex is to be 'between':
· the anxieties and concerns of foster parents who need someone to reassure them and takes care of their concerns;
· the desire to 'recover the child', and the desire to demonstrate their capabilities that often accompanies the request for riconoscimentoda the non-custodial parent;
· the tensions, fears, desires that their children have and necessitanodi be translated and shown to adults to stop the process of triangulation.
In more complex situations and where there is an intervention of the Court's request, or social workers, being 'between' operator problematizes it: their task is to facilitate, into a 'transitional symbolic-links', 'space-time gift' and 'space-time construction of dikes' (Cigoli, 1998 ).
The problem that comes their way is to be able to cope with the impending danger, damage in the exchange between generations, and the hardship they are facing and is often active against abusive parents. The use of normativity intrinsic to the intervention of the Court facilitates the implementation of intervention models that help build contenutivi boundaries in maltreating families are often lacking.
Pain that rages within a given operator is useful to provide information about emotions and the recognition of how these emotions affect the meetings. The indicators to be considered are: 'organizational and methodological impasse, inhibition of criticism, feelings of weakness and distress' (Vassalli, Training Course for Technical Consultant - 2001).
The risk of an alliance with the suffering in these situations is high: a continued oversight is necessary to promote awareness of what is going through and not to act in an unconscious way 'between' the 'emotional configurations of the victim' s aggressor, and the savior of the witness. These configurations are borrowed from psychopathology '(Vassalli, Training Course for Technical Consultant - 2001).
The position of the operators from the perspective of mediation
In determining the operator's position and its role has tried to take into account the complexity and variety of types of families and situations with which it operates.
After some changes in recent times has been referred to the division of family mediation models proposed by Mazzei (Mazzei, 2002) and is considered as the criterion for distinguishing the 'mode of dealing with the relationship dynamics and subjective experience with respect to the separation in the relationship of mediation' (Mazzei, 2002).
In some situations or moments in the same location as the operator's role is to be 'the guardian of the decision-making and care above all of the pragmatic aspects of the meetings' that the child has with the non-custodial parent (Haynes and Buzzi, 1996). In other
may be appropriate to take (structured model) positions blocking the negative impact of the emotional factor, and the operator puts heavy emphasis on task and on the solution of the problem 'severely limiting the scope of the negotiations' (Coogler in Mazzei, 2002).
For some interventions may be necessary to refer to an interdisciplinary model where the operator's work in Neutral Space is co-adjuvanted vaccine, with parents, the work of outsiders such as social workers, lawyers or educators who work with domestic children. In this regard, it highlights the central role of the operator of SN as a promoter of networking. Sometimes it had to do real work of mediation with the other actors involved, whether they are voluntary associations that somehow deal with the case, social workers or lawyers.
has proven its usefulness in some situations addressed in Verona Area neutral to work with parents as well as in joint or individual sessions, with the children creating a special area for them with the aim of helping them through games and stories to express the fears and tensions that are creating suffering.
mediation in the management of a neutral space
Because space is a neutral space for mediation?
Why is a space where thought can give meaning to a different act, so as to become "camera settling the conflict," because is a space of thoughts and actions to enhance functional recovery of parenting, because it is a place where it is held in this central feature of the future than in the past.
is a space for mediation because all the shares that are held in place a balance of management time and space:
a) accept the child with those who accompanied him (usually the mother)
b), insert the words with the parent "other";
c) to be alone with the child (fundamental transition area);
d) to be alone with the parents, "other";
s) match between child and parent;
f) detachment from the parent "more "
g) return to the parent.
is a place where disorder is containment dike which included the development and acceptance, and where the operator works to restore communication between different family members with the objective of facilitating access to children to their roots.
The objective of Neutral Space is unclear but its achievement is not pursued at all costs. It is not in fact make a defense to the bitter end of parental reports: there is a "well-being of children" which sometimes dramatically, requires cutting of the interaction with the biological parents (Marzotto, Dallanegra, 1998). This event is accompanied by a "penalty" on the part of Magistrates.
While the Judiciary is responsible for sanctioning the breakup of the covenant as a function of parental protection of the child, it acts as a neutral space to accept the suffering and violence that this decision brings and to help the child to 'understand 'the reason for the decision.
methodologies and techniques
in carrying out the methodologies to be used within the interventions Neutral Space reference was made to pedagogical methods, psychotherapy and family mediation.
Have been borrowed from psychology methods in the game, empathic listening, assertive language, the use of stories and fairy tales in a symbolic function, to achieve autonomy and self-esteem.
psychotherapy has been borrowed from the technique of interview relationships.
The interdisciplinary flavor offers the possibility of applying different solutions according to the types of family and extent of the problem.
The usefulness of family mediation is most evident in the early stages of acceptance of the family, the activation process of sharing the child's welfare, in giving meaning 'other' to the suffering of letting express and contain the conflict and provide moments of contact between individuals.
Selection criteria
The preferential option for its techniques and methods of systemic family mediation follows:
or having organized the Neutral Space in such a way as not to limit it to only one protected area of \u200b\u200bparent-child meeting but a place to expand access to races;
or believe that the difficulties relating to the exercise of rights of access arising in the conflict between parents. It is therefore essential objective to restore and develop communication between the parents themselves, helping them to overcome problems related to the couple from those inherent in their role as father and mother (Marzotto, Dallanegra, 1998);
or see that the operator's position is to "be among "and to take on a temporary basis of their parent and then return them once reactivated resources;
or the need for the operator to maintain an equal distance from their parents so that they understand they may have in common" object "with someone who have come to hate (Mandelli in Marzotto, Dallanegra, 1998);
or try to keep the look of the parents toward the future and not to passato.
Un ulteriore criterio adottato nel definire quali tecniche usare è quello di fare riferimento ai diversi modelli di mediazione e ai diversi ruoli che gli operatori è opportuno assumano in funzione dell’obiettivo.
Viene di seguito presentato un elenco di tecniche utilizzate:
· valutazione della situazione attraverso l’analisi della domanda;
· accoglimento e contenimento della sofferenza attraverso l’ascoltoempatico e la ridefinizione del problema;
· attenuazione del conflitto attraverso l’esplicitazione deisuoi significati, problem solving, brainstorming;
· evidenziazione dell’aspetto simbolico degli oggetti del contendere;
· centratura dell’interesse sul figlio;
· attivazione di abilità di cooperazione partendo dalla condivisionedei problemi;
· negoziazione;
· interazione di gioco;
· disegno congiunto;
· empowerment;
· collages.
Le varie tecniche vengono proposte tenendo conto delle diverse tipologie delle famiglie e della complessità del problema.
Spazio Neutro: descrizione dell’esperienza dell’IVTF diVerona
Situazione dei minori affidati in Veneto
Nell’ambito della protezione e tutela del minore, la legislazione from national laws: L 184/83, L 285/97 L149/01 until recently supported a path that recognizes the full right to live in the child's family, and provides its eventual removal only where they are all technically feasible possible actions to support the family dimension.
In 1997 in the Veneto Region was established Regional Centre for Children and Adolescents, which means the database Children with special cards on the following six months every child in foster care given to family homes or institutions.
In 2000 the family had children removed by 2204, equal to 1.8 per thousand of the child population.
33% was given in trust family structure 67%, 51% in group homes, 16% in an institution. Wind
Region 71.6% of the type of judicial custody were 28.4% and the type of agreement.
The majority of children living in institutions has been included for reasons family relationship (40%).
The fragility and the disintegration of the family of origin affect 54% of children in foster care: among the reasons predominate in the conduct of absolute abandonment and / or severe neglect, drug problems and serious economic problems.
Separations and divorces: ISTAT in 2000
separations and divorces in Italy gradually increased over the period 1995-2000, an increase of 37.5% of separations and 39% of divorces.
consensual separation is the type of separation most frequently chosen by the spouses.
average in 2000 ended in this way, 86.4% of cases, while the remaining 13.6% is rite with litigation.
21% of instances of separation comes from spouses who were married less than five years earlier.
In 2000 in northern families with children who have lived the experience of separation were 18,185, up 45.3%, and the divorce of 7405 amounted to 33.6%.
The percentage of children entrusted exclusively the mother is 84 .8% to 25,344, only 4.8% have been contracted on an exclusive to the father.
The number of credit lines to his father grows over contracts awarded to the mother, with the raising of children.
The frequency of access to children by the non-custodial parent is 1-3 times a month in 10.7% of cases, sometimes in 1 year, 4% of cases, never in 0.4%.
structural setting of the Neutral Area project in Verona
The statistics above have supported the need to create a neutral space in Verona, a city absolutely devoid of similar structure.
In most situations of separation and divorce in nearly all those relating to custody of children to others there is a difficulty for the child to meet grandparents and relatives of a family, if not both.
· It is a service for the exercise of rights of access;
· It is a place of encounter between children and their families;
· It is a place where children can resume their family and relations difficilicon exercise their right to maintain relations;
• To parents and adults is a place to resolve conflicts affrontaree the minimum necessary to allow the reconstruction of broken links (Marzotto and Dallanegra, 1998);
· It is neutral because it is not dinessuno property and it is suspended and neutralizes the discord (Cigoli 1998);
· It is a third place and not belonging to none of the contenders, which can help parents recognize the need and the child to see dirittodel respected his affections;
· Open the chance to rediscover their history, cuinon is only a custodian of the two warring parties;
· You qualified container outside the contentions of the parents, to learn how to safeguard the continuity of the parent-figlioin a time bounded (Mandelli-Dallanegra Marzotto in 1998);
· It is a place where you help parents to take separatoil marital conflict by the parent-child relationship (in Dolto Marzotto, Dallanegra, 1998).
space is structured so that they can accept:
• The child and its right "to maintain personal relationships direct contact with both parents" (Cigoli, 1998);
· The couples undergoing conflictual separation;
· The couples undergoing separation or divorce with difficulty adattuare the right to visit and / or violence with danger;
· The families with multiple,
· The decrees restricting families with of parental responsibility;
· Children with parents in prison or measures limitanola liberty;
· The foster families and individuazionedi of origin for the common meanings in the education of children;
· requests of the judiciary responsible for ' accertamentosulle possibilities / opportunities for continued relazionegenitoriale;
· requests for hearings of the judiciary protected.
For each subject that will appeal to the Neutral Space is a schematic type of service:
• The child may benefit from a place to meet / igenitori, family to restore vital links to its 'correct' crescitapsicofisica through the reconstruction of relations between generations. Taleluogo is a protected environment where they can be helped elaborareeventi families at high risk of pain and guilt.
· The parents can find support and to increase parental esprimerele their resources with the objective of maintaining and / or reconstruct rapportitra generations, and maintain the functions of the parental couple.
• The Court may use the Neutral Space for averevalutazioni on parenting skills, on the parent-child, extended family relationships, and physical space to fit audizioniprotette.
· The Public Service may, in turn, benefit from valutazionidelle parenting skills, assessments of the parent-child, and measures facilitating the recovery of the reports.
access to space can be neutral or degliavvocati personal request, or to statutory mandates.
general working mode
For each situation, the team of operators defines the meaning of demand and dell'inviante, identify requirements and outlines possible outcomes, including establishing a route criteria for monitoring and verification, the operator identifies most appropriate and reports to whom it may concern if the warrant is institutional.
The operator who takes office processes the program and identifies specific intervention strategies can be shared with users.
are considered as indicators of compliance with appointments and punctuality on the part of parents, the reduction of violent or disruptive behavior in relationship dynamics, and the reduction of the manifestations of illness of children.
Location and physical structure of the Neutral Space
The site is located in an area easily accessible and with parking. Nearby there are shops of different types: this situation is considered important for the possibility that parents may have to take the time to wait or hang out with the child, in accordance with the operator.
used professional equipment allows the recording of interventions and the presence of observers from outside through one-way mirror.
The room where the meetings take place of the parent with the child is equipped with structured games and non-functional interaction.
is also possible to use a bathroom equipped for changing and cleaning of small children.
It is also given the opportunity to prepare hot drinks and piccolecolazioni.
When two essential truths collide, the possibility of transformation takes place only through the enhancement of the aspects of change that the conflict brings. In this vision Mediation can resume the dignity offended by the "insults" and end the violent expression of feelings.
The conflict is often interpreted as a situation that must be paid to anti-social or removed in silence: the role of mediation is to give voice to the words the conflict, and therefore the pain caused by feelings of anger, sadness, resentment, betrayal that accompany situations of rupture of relations.
The opportunity to "give voice" to the pain allows individuals to think that pain can be healed because he has been given the dignity of life (Morineau, 1998). Provide a space within which the pain of the parents can be put together with the pain of the children, and where third encourages the encounter of words, the act helps to repair the damage caused by violence. Within the Neutral Space
the "voice" to the suffering allows, as we have seen, to put a limit to violence. The "speak out" gives space to the word and aims to move from one state to another, allowing the comparison with the unjust and painful event and with it the possibility of a transformation.
The use of techniques derived from the Family Mediation System allows exceeding the greater risk that you can meet in a neutral space: one concerning the fact that 'the meeting between the parent and the child take place, but only so Specifically, without really taking place 'and without the operator being aware that it is not really happened (in Codignola Marzotto, Dallanegra, 1998).
does not appear simple. Means often fail to go beyond not only what others make us look but also what we would like to see.
- M. Andoh, the interview relationship, Academy of Family Psychotherapy, Rome, 1994.
- Arcidiacono C., Gagliano, S. (2003) The exercise of rights of access clinical and social approach of the Center for Families of Naples, family therapy, n.71, March 2003, pp.23- 48.
- Bassoli F., M. Mariotti, R. Frison, Mediation systemic Know Editions, 2000.
- Bertotti T., P. Coviello (2001) neutral space or protected area? Reflections around the visiting rights for abused children, in child abuse and maltreatment, vol.3, n.1, April 2001, pp.123-130.
- Cigoli V Intrecci family, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 1997.
- Cigoli V., Galimberti C., M. Mombelli, Bond desperate, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 1988.
- Cigoli V., Psychology of separation and divorce, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1998.
- Cigoli V., Seminar on Divorce and marital parental continuity, Verona, Jan. 28, 2000, Proceedings own.
- Cigoli V.,Scabini E., Il famigliare, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2000.
- Francini G., Seminario su La consulenza tecnica nelle situazioni di abuso e maltrattamento (2^ parte), nel Corso formazione per Consulente Tecnico d’Ufficio, Verona, 25 maggio 2003, Atti in proprio.
- Haynes J., Buzzi I., Introduzione alla mediazione familiare, Giuffrè, Milano, 1996.
- Marzotto C., Dallanegra P. (a cura di) Continuità genitoriale e servizi per il diritto di visita, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 1998.
- Mazzei D., La mediazione familiare. Il modello simbolico trigenerazionale, Raffaello Cortina, Milan, 2002.
- Morineau J., The spirit of mediation, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2000.
- Scabini E., R. lafria Psychology of family ties, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003.
- A. Vassalli, The Seminar on technical advice in situations of abuse and maltreatment (Part 1), during training for Technical Consultant, Verona, Feb. 23, 2003, Proceedings own.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
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As a child I dreamed of buying a library to be able to afford a free all books that I wanted, I grew up I began to buy up to aumentarea proportion to the area, home studio destinata alle librerie, con gravepregiudizio per lo spazio e il portafoglio. La cosiddetta maturità miha portato ad apprezzare sempre più il piacere dello scambio e della condivisione,anche se, come so di molti, ho ancora qualche remora a prestare fisicamente imiei adorati libri. Mi è però molto piaciuto scoprire ed aderireal movimento dei libri in movimento, versione italiana del bookcrossing, di cuipotete trovare notizie su alcuni siti dedicati (ad esempio www.fahrenheit.rai.it,www.librinmovimento.firenze.net, www.liberliber.it e altri) L’idea di lasciareche i libri che ci sono piaciuti viaggino tra le mani della gente, e attraversoil loro messaggio costruiscano una rete di relazioni virtuali, organizzata dalleemozioni che la loro reading has been able to give us, I thought that was particolarmenteintrigante. In line with this spirit, I hope to deal with this book, intended to talk about non-technical literature. But there will then questagrande difference between books written with a clear intention to disclose the relevant concepts, theories and books written for our profession to be "simply" read? To you to find answers and connections in the spirit of irreverence Cheh able to indicate Gianfranco Cecchin, reading a classic with the meticulousness Concu you can manage a manual for the correct operation sistemicoo approaching a book of theories and cases with the lightness of the reader deibei stories before bedtime.
await recommendations and reviews of Italian and foreign books that possanoessere interesting for readers and stimulating starting point for trade diidee. Books that talk about families, relationships and conflicts, but not limited to, books that you think would be an incentive to open their minds and hearts, libriche make us dream, laugh, reflect and learn more about ourselves and sulmondo .
who want to make a contribution to this column can send brevirecensioni or suggested reading accompanied by references (title, author, publisher, pages, and no cost) to my e-mail address: rositamarinoni@moretto.it
Pending to receive your reports, which many hope for questonumero I suggest reading:
THE Fabbricone, Giovanni Testori, Oscar Mondadori, 194 pp, 7 and
In one book many themes and contexts that make us think about relationships and conflicts: the troubled love story of a young couple, the interference of the original families, divided by political differences and religious, ideological and social conflicts in the neighborhood. The whole set of a tower block in the micro population in the suburbs of Milan, where, in a choral, interwoven stories about illusions, frustration, neurosis, everyday worries. In its release the book became an immediate best-seller, wake of the outcry over the suspension of another theatrical performances by Testori, the HAROLD, staged by Visconti
The author was stone of scandal in the culture of the sixties, under attack from critics and censorship and source of conflict between the intellectuals for this and other works that went beyond and against the spirit of conservative and puritanical era.
Testori was playwright and literary journalist, poet, art critic and painter, a great entertainer and provocateur of the intellectual life of his time in Milan. He worked on screenplays with big directors like Luchino Visconti, who was taken from the series "The Secrets of Milan" di cui “Il Fabbricane” fa parte, la trama di “Rocco e i suoi fratelli”.
Nell’ottantesimo anniversario dalla nascita e decimo dalla morte lo scorso anno a Milano gli sono state dedicate numerose mostre, iniziative e rappresentazioni teatrali, tra cui quella del Fabbricone, che ha avuto luogo nel cortile dell’edificio di Novate Milanese che, con il suo scenario e i suoi abitanti, si vuole abbia ispirato l’autore.
Rosita Marinoni